AM/PM Split and Antagonist Pairings

Good afternoon all! I have a question about AM/PM splits and antagonistic pairings. Im looking to start an upper/lower split every other day, and was curious when to add in some accessory work for arms and shoulders.

Day 1 AM-
vertical/horizontal push and pull antagonistic supersets.
Day 1 PM- arms superset
Day 2 off
Day 3 lower body hip/quad dominant
barbell hacks, leg extensions, calf raises, abs
day 4 off
day 5 repeat day 1
day 6 off
day 7 lower body hip/ham dominant
barbell deads, hamstring curls, calfs, abs


Seems to me your hitting your shoulders every darn day sometimes twice a day. even doing culrs your hitting thew shoulder somewhat. Deads, hack squats, squats, your usinf your shoulders, OH press bench press, rows chins, hitting shoulders.

I personally wouldnt add to much bro thats a LOT allready. Maybe some external rotations in along with the arms and a few sets of properly down lat raises with emphasis on the rear delt and call it done.

[quote]aspengc8 wrote:
Good afternoon all! I have a question about AM/PM splits and antagonistic pairings. Im looking to start an upper/lower split every other day, and was curious when to add in some accessory work for arms and shoulders.

Day 1 AM-
vertical/horizontal push and pull antagonistic supersets.
Day 1 PM- arms superset
Day 2 off
Day 3 lower body hip/quad dominant
barbell hacks, leg extensions, calf raises, abs
day 4 off
day 5 repeat day 1
day 6 off
day 7 lower body hip/ham dominant
barbell deads, hamstring curls, calfs, abs


i’d rather you do squats then barbell hack squats. Get rid of the leg extensions but i would leave the leg curls.

simple split.

upper body horizontal push/pull

squats, leg curls, calves

upper body vertical push/pull

deads, calves, obliques, abs

you can add arm isolation workouts when ever you want an easy add in workout. Don’t forget HIIT cardio to get in shape. laters pk