Am I At Fault for Training Clients 1-on-1/1-on-3?

What’s your reasoning for thinking this is all unjustified hysteria?

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Trolling is a really weird way to spend quarantine. Go play edgelord elsewhere.

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Was this the “I don’t do accessories, I can’t find anywhere to do pull ups” guy again? Makes sense.

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One data point to this: an employee’s pregnant wife was exposed to this Chinese virus in Odessa TX by going to the OBGYN.

The OB got it by going to his trainer on Saturday. Trainer felt bad on Tuesday. Trainer tested positive on Tuesday night. OB tested positive on Wednesday. OB had seen 15 pregnant patients on Monday.

And now we’re in a waiting game.

I’d be leery about doing this. It’s a free country, but think about other people.


That story’s definitely a bit of wake-up call.

As of right now, I only see one client face-to-face, my girlfriend’s mum who I’m in regular contact with anyways.

Otherwise, everything’s on Zoom and is actually going really well. It wasn’t as tricky as I anticipated switching to online


Cool, some places allow outdoor exercise with one person if you maintain distance between you BTW


Yeah it’s like that where I am now, but I’m anticipating it to go to a real lockdown relatively soon