Alternative to Powerlifting: Conventional DL, Front Squat, Press

This is what @chris_ottawa was talking about earlier. One of the many silly ideas to come out of that camp.

Oh wait is that not already a rule? What are the grip rules for the Olympic jerk?

Nah, rules on the jerk are silly. You can get redlighted for pressing out or coming forward on your feet.

No idea on hand placement rules.

Oh, gotcha. 2 hands, from the rack, anyhow. Just gotta lock out.

2 hands anyhow is actually from the floor. It referred to the old time strongman rules. 2 hands on the implement, get it overhead anyway you can. Contrasts with the 1 handed lifts, which were also popular.

Strongman is basically 2 hands anyhow in most competition. It’ll be called a “press”, but I’ve seen promoters ok with snatching it if you can.

Damn. Well veto on from the floor. Don’t want to give away advantage to the power bellies.

Just allow the bar to rest on the belt and the advantage is nullified. Only became a recent advantage because of that rule. Back in the day, nothing against it. Pretty much the first reason for a lifting belt, haha.

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I would be seriously impressed (and slightly confused) if I saw some strong mofo start snatching with an axle at a strongman comp

You see it more with dumbbell events, especially as part of a press medley. Happened in my second comp. Seen a few women competitors do it too, since often they just a heavy bell rather than a circus dumbbell.

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Jesus looked up the web site and the entry fees are ridicules. Plus I find it messed up how much they very depending on the meet. Looked up the meet results they have listed and wow people aren’t really flocking to it.

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The USSF champion results has results listed for the press under “Bench”. Which makes it look like there were just a handful of bodyweight benches.

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Did any of you guys read through the rules? The whole thing is fucked. They actually made some aspects of powerlifting even MORE arbitrary and annoying.

The first problem is the ‘weigh-out’. I hear people talk about this all the time as being a solution to water cutting, and it’s not. It’s an incentive to compete in an even MORE dangerous way. With 24-hour weigh ins, an athlete has all the time in the world to do a proper water cut. Then, they have sufficient time following the weigh in to rehydrate and be 100% on competition day. A weigh-out incentivizes a competitor to a) compete while dehydrated, and on an empty stomach, and b) encourages the use of both laxatives and diuretics DURING a competition. This is fucking stupid. And the will realize this when they start to see competitors shitting their singlets on deadlifts and passing the fuck out.

‘The bar must not be more than 1 inch below the top of the posterior deltoids.’ Ummmm what? How in the fuck are you going to enforce this one? And what is the point? I guess the guy who started this has some sort of objection to low bar squats? Or large delts? Stupid.

The ‘chest must be up’ at the top of the squat. Yea. they really say that.

Then we have the depth rule, which is essentially the same as all powerlifting feds, and is also the thing that sucks about powerlifting the most, because it’s the most difficult part to judge. For whatever reason, they decided that part is just fine. No need to fix the things that actually suck about powerlifting. Stupid.

No false grip on the press. For

No mention of excessive back arch on the press. So, they eliminate bench pressing because people arch too much. But you can arch all you want on the overhead press.

sounds like this thing is bound for success!


Rip advocates the double layback press so I don’t see them crearing rules to prevent this silliness.

It’s a standing bench press.

Rip as in Rippetoe? does he have something to do with this StrengthFed thing?

EDIT: ah yes, I see now.

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Outside of this, I like to point out how the weigh out is fully admitting that this is purely an internet based competition.

Absent a weigh IN, you have NO idea who you are competing against in a meet, if anyone at all. You don’t know who is in your weightclass, so you have no idea how to be strategic in your selections for attempts in order to win. That’s because we’ve gotten so stupid with powerlifting that we forgot the point was to win, and now people just care about setting silly records on single lifts or within their division.

Heck, you could even be a trophy hunter, and wait at the end of the weigh out line to see what class you want to be in. Find out some guy that’s around your weight just kicked the crap out of you? Go slug a few gatorades in line, come in heavier, and fill out an unoccupied weightclass. WIN!


People might think you’re being hyperbolic here, but this is real. I came second on my last comp, but would have won the next TWO weight classes up. Definitely could have gamed it if I were that way inclined.


As a cheater (read: strongman) I’m ALWAYS looking for ways to game the system, haha. Hell, you might even see people start wearing clothes and putting crap in their pockets.

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Speaking of funny weighins

Late last year, I helped out with a comp. We had a 24 hour weigh in. One guy walks in, takes shoes off which is very common.

He takes this top off, less common so I’m thinking this is going to be a really close call. Then he proceeds to drops his pants to reveal, let’s say, minimalist underwear.

And makes weight by over 3kg!!! I had to look around to see if anyone was filming as I was certain it was a prank.


Sounds like he could have put more socks down there.

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Genuinely think this is a factor in my interest in strongman.

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