Alpha's Work III

Thinking about coming back and posting on here again. Workouts, helping lifters and rants of course.

Just wanted to see if anyone still remembers who I am and if there would be any interest.

Die Empty


I think it would be a fair assumption to say yes, a lot of people remember you and would love for you to log your training and thoughts again. In fact, you were brought up in a recent ‘whatever happened to’ thread.

[quote]Alpha wrote:
Thinking about coming back and posting on here again. Workouts, helping lifters and rants of course.

Just wanted to see if anyone still remembers who I am and if there would be any interest.

Die Empty[/quote]

Alpha…your contributions should not end until you “die empty” by imparting the fullness of your training wisdom with this community. Your previous logs have been hugely influencial and impactful. Thanks brother.

Definitely. Your last log was truly inspirational, I’ve recommended it to many people looking to give their training a kick in the ass.

How have you been, has the back healed/improved at all?

all aboard the gain train

I’m definitely looking forward to this…


You’re a hard dude to forget Brother.

Glad to have you back.

Looking forward to it.


Hell Yeah!!!

Yesss!!! Sirrr!!!

You were working around some injuries last I saw. How are things now?

So ready for this!

Alpha’s logs have been some of the most memorable, interesting and inspiring logs on TNATION! I’m patiently watching…waiting.

this is awesome

Yay! <3

Big fan brother!

would be in for this for sure. you are one inspiring dude, your last log kicked ass

Wow… You’re like TNation’s long lost legend. I read through your old logs. Never seen anyone so helpful.

Yes. You are a HUGE influence on my training. Reading you old logs are what gave me the inspiration to finally get lean. I owe you a lot of thanks.

Good timing, I just finished your second log this week… It’s re-inspired me to go back to the intense, full-body training that I used to do which made staying lean so easy.

OOoOoh, this is exciting! You’re mighty famous 'round these parts.