Almost Zero Appetite the Past Few Months. Estrogen Issue?

Great. Were you ever at 100?

Am thinking of going back to 100 from 130-140. Seems like bloat went up.

Report in 2 weeks to see if you still feel good

Great! You need less to feel right, and not to be taken as this is what everyone needs. 100mg is the opposite for me and other guys here. The picture is becoming clearer. We’re all different. Who knew?

Yes, ur estrogen lowered, hence less side effects. Im telling you guys, high estrogen is NOT GOOD, it just isnt, so many guys feel crap on TRT cause they “muh let their estrogen run freely!” … sigh.

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This is not true. Many guys don’t start at 100 so they don’t know how they feel at 100. We have certain ppl telling guys don’t start less than 150.

I say, Estrogen is good. Very good. Most men who blame Estrogen have been blaming everything else since before TRT. Now they have a villain to blame but still find no symptom resolution while driving E down. Anyway, belief is what gets people in trouble. Proof is not concrete either.

Youre right. 100mg is prolly too little for the majority so Docs would rather you start high and work you down if needed. Its worked for the majority of men you dont see here. Then there are those who come here with a myriad of issues who dont mention the Finasteride or antidepressants, or obesity, or boozing or smoking, the list goes on and on. But yes some men dont respond well to the boost because they werent meant to be hight T or high E. Those that can, will. So its your personal mission to find out what kind of animal you are and then direct your energy there. But you cannot find out unless you push a little.

His T input went down and you’re blaming Estrogen. So lets blame the Aromatase Enzymes too. Its simple. He runs better on less T. Anyway keep crying about Estrogen.

What is this based on? It’s fine it’s just your opinion.

No, he dont “run better on less T”, he runs better on less E. You are inexperienced and you have been listened too much on a certain “crowd” of people, so to speak.

Try do 4g testosterone a week, lets see if you “run better on less T”, testosterone gives you libido, not high estrogen, you people have been fooled so much, lol.

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Yeah, you are wrong is too much estrogen is not good.

We agree on this, T controls libido. So I bump up the T to a very good level and the libido and hardness speak for themselves. Estrogen is not ruining any of that. I wont argue with you about it, since Im in the crowd opposite of your views, but I will listen to your pov. When I bumped down to 140mg/wk for 12 weeks I felt the softness and constant tracking of libido and other issues such as mental fog, and mood. But as a high T/E guy, Im very happy. And I would buy you several biers, while we drank and discussed more of this interesting stuff, but forgive me if my eyes keep locking on to every woman that passes by. I bet you can run low T doses and get jacked. Not me, T leans me out, makes me vascular and super toned, size actually comes down to a very healthy fit look. Appetite does increase when I run lower doses, and that is what Im noticing ever since this thread began.

I think there’s more to it than just T and E in my case (and maybe others). I think I have an underlying thyroid or adrenal problem since I was a kid. Pouring sweat and always feeling hot flashes since 5 years old. Giant dark bags under eyes even when I was 14. Lethargy and depression, dropped out of highshcool I was so tired. Incomplete puberty, lost leg hair and arm hair, never grew any body hair or facial hair.

All I know is TRT fixed my insulin issues, GI bleeding, and metabolic syndrome, but I think it’s just a bandaid. I might be subclinical hypothyroid with a natural TSH of 4.23 and literally every textbook symptoms, plus an entire family line of hypothyroid women, but endo said my TSH wasn’t high enough.

My mother got her parathyroid gland removed this Tuesday, after a lifetime of hypothyroidism, her PTH gland went to as she had super high calcium levels.

TRT has helped me a lot physiologically but there’s still something missing.

The basis is that you are low T, so you need a “pick me up” T along with HCG and Anastrozole tend to be the trio chosen by most T clinics. They figure, you’re going to jump in TT, and increase E significantly due to HCG. HCG is playing both sides. Keeps your balls going while also raising E. So they give you an AI to keep that down, in case you suddenly develop a nice set of C cups(no evidence of that happening). Then they test you at 12 wks and lower both your T and AI dose. This continues until youre within range. So I agree the entire protocol is wrong. Low T dose with induced shut down at 2 weeks is probably a better approach, but the problem occurs when you replace endogenous low T only to replicate it with exogenous Low T. Which is why they start high enough or too high.

Bringing the conversation back to you:
You do seem to have a good grip on things. Perhaps this is a good time to begin that specific journey, since you have figured out that a lower dose is best for you now. As we age, Im sure I have to lower my dose, but only our logs will help the future. No guessing, just getting those clues which should allow you to piece together what is missing, or in the way of being 100%.

I’m finally going to see a world specialist at MGH tomorrow, have to pay out of pocket. I think hypogonadism was just a symptom of something deeper, along with many others. Was following in my grandfathers footsteps and he died young of congestive heart failure.

I’ve had the hiccups for 2 days now and they won’t stop. Woke up gasping for air this morning. Fun stuff. I think running higher T levels can be great if you’re already in shape. If you’re not in great shape to begin with and you start with large doses, at least in my case, I felt like it started to cause issues.


As a followup, TRT gave me sleep apnea, which lead to insane headaches, horrible sleep, hypertension, and high hematocrit. Lowering dose and even skipping entire injections, has dropped my blood pressure, gotten rid of sleep apnea, and headaches are gone.

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