Alex Jones?

Ok well no one (besides rockscar and he doesn’t count) responded to my post about Terrorstorm, so I’ll broaden it a little. Has anyone watched any of the Alex Jones Documentaries or other related documentaries like Freedom to fascsim? I would really like to keep this to people who have seen his material and have an objective opinion on the material he brings.

If you have listened to one or two of his shows and that is your entire experience with him, please do more research before you respond. Every one of his documentaries can be viewed for free on youtube, so there is no reason to say you haven’t or cant see them because you don’t want to waste your money on them.

In any event, allthough I think he can be over the top, I think he is just really passionate and gets heated up now and again. They guy has balls, and I give him credit for some of the situations he puts himself in. The man has no fear and makes an entertaining and informative documentary. The evidence he and his people along with other allies of his have gathered is really eye opening.

The bit about the Standing order that fighters are scrambled to any hijacking immediately, being changed just months before 9-11 to they can only be scrabled if an order is given by the president or vice president, is very very suspicious, along with testimony in congress that seems to show Dick cheney being asked 50 minutes before the “plane” hit the pentagon, “Does the order still stand sir?” by his Airforce go between.

And him ignoring alltogether that the question was asked of him until the Air force guy said “sir the plane is 5 minutes out, does the order still stand?” To which cheney replied that if the air force guy hadn’t heard otherwise then yes it still stood.

It is also very convenient that Neither the President or Vice president would testify under oath, and would only meet with congress, not under oath and behind closed doors.

There are many many such peices of information that have been delicately put together like a puzzle to make a nearly complete picture of at the very least government knowledge of the attacks before they happened, to the unthinkable horror that they may have been directly involved in the planning and operation of the attacks on 9-11-01. Many people will tell you that the families of the twin towers victims, do not want this to be brought up and that we should not stir up old memories because of these wishes of the victims families.

Yet the single largest orginazation of victims family members is the strongest advocate for 9-11 truth that there is, constantly pressing anyone that will listen to them for answers to questions that they have never recieved responses from.

To some people the idea of our government Attacking our own civilians is perposterous. The implications of such an act coming to light would be devastating. What would we do? Would we be forced into an armed rebellion against our government? Would the guilty parties flee the country and vacate thier offices for fear of death? Who would control the military?

The guilty parties? or the people? These scenarios are so unstable and uncertain, that many people do not want to face the fact that it’s possible. They would rather believe everything the government tells them and not ask any questions, so they can keep thier 9-5 job, can keep food on the table and can keep watching thier tv shows.

Nobody wants to grab a gun and join a militia that is marching on the capital looking for heads. Yet, should we find that in fact factions within our government did in fact stage a false flag terror attack on our own civilians, what else could we reasonably do.

Please I know this post was long and rambling, and I know that on the outside you want to believe that I am a lunatic and anyone who believes in this stuff is a nutjob. But somewhere deep inside, you also have the questions in your head, you have just never wanted to look for the answers.

Go to youtube some night this week when you have a couple hours, watch terrorstorm, watch loose change, watch endgame, look at all the evidence of government coverup, look at all the past False Flag attacks done by other countries and ours. Look at the governmnet documents that confirm all of this and then ask yourself again, do we need more answers?

Are the real perpatrators of 9-11-01 still at large? Are they even stronger today? Have they commited even more crimes under the guise of freedom, liberty and justice?


I knew it! I knew you were into that guy!

Ugh, he’s one of those 9-11 kooks.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Ugh, he’s one of those 9-11 kooks.[/quote]

What do you mean, Sloth?!? Don’t you know that there is a long, documented history of false flag operations against civilian populations? I mean, when you examine the evidence, really the Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I haven’t seen these documentaries. But based upon your description they sound like total lunacy, probably backed up by lots of “quotes” from non-cited or anonymous “sources”. This whole paragraph, for example, sounds fabricated from whole cloth:

Does he have any reliable sources for any of that - the “standing order”, the changing of said order, any of it?

Long and short = color me very skeptical. I’m not a Bush/Cheney nuthugger, but this all sounds tenuous at best.

[quote]MrRezister wrote:
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I haven’t seen these documentaries. But based upon your description they sound like total lunacy, probably backed up by lots of “quotes” from non-cited or anonymous “sources”. This whole paragraph, for example, sounds fabricated from whole cloth:

The bit about the Standing order that fighters are scrambled to any hijacking immediately, being changed just months before 9-11 to they can only be scrabled if an order is given by the president or vice president, is very very suspicious, along with testimony in congress that seems to show Dick cheney being asked 50 minutes before the “plane” hit the pentagon, “Does the order still stand sir?” by his Airforce go between.

Does he have any reliable sources for any of that - the “standing order”, the changing of said order, any of it?

Long and short = color me very skeptical. I’m not a Bush/Cheney nuthugger, but this all sounds tenuous at best.

I’ve got a buddy that’s just like Vegita - pissed off all the time and thinks there’s a conspiracy behind everything. He listens to Alex Jones also. He goes on and on endlessly about the Bilderberg Group and has recently taken to a bit of anti-semitism because he works in Hollywood and a lot of Jews are Hollywood execs.

I’m pretty convinced he’s pissed off that people aren’t recognizing his brilliance and paying him accordingly, but that’s just my own (conspiracy) theory.

[quote]MrRezister wrote:
In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that I haven’t seen these documentaries. But based upon your description they sound like total lunacy, probably backed up by lots of “quotes” from non-cited or anonymous “sources”. This whole paragraph, for example, sounds fabricated from whole cloth:

The bit about the Standing order that fighters are scrambled to any hijacking immediately, being changed just months before 9-11 to they can only be scrabled if an order is given by the president or vice president, is very very suspicious, along with testimony in congress that seems to show Dick cheney being asked 50 minutes before the “plane” hit the pentagon, “Does the order still stand sir?” by his Airforce go between.

Does he have any reliable sources for any of that - the “standing order”, the changing of said order, any of it?

Long and short = color me very skeptical. I’m not a Bush/Cheney nuthugger, but this all sounds tenuous at best.

If you think that testemony of people during the 9-11 commision in congress that states these things as “made up”
Then yes, it is made up. Look I wrote out a lot of things to give you a little glimpse of what I have seen with my own eyes. I could go find all this evidence on my own and bring it to this thread, and cut and paste and go on ad nauseum, the videos are already done, with the evidence in them, and you can search them out for further froof if you don’t believe in the sources they use. It’s much easier to just go right to where I learned about this stuff. Like I said, it is free info, cost you nothing but time to look into it.

As forth Sloth and PRCal, In my short interactions with the two of you, I guess I would expect nothing less.


[quote]Vegita wrote:
As forth Sloth and PRCal, In my short interactions with the two of you, I guess I would expect nothing less.


In this case, I’ll take that as a compliment.

[quote]Sloth wrote:
Vegita wrote:
As forth Sloth and PRCal, In my short interactions with the two of you, I guess I would expect nothing less.


In this case, I’ll take that as a compliment.[/quote]

Cool, Thats awsome!


How dare you? Remember you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists…

For the record I wouldn’t even accuse an Obama/Biden administration of something like this.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
For the record I wouldn’t even accuse an Obama/Biden administration of something like this.


Record noted. Who cares? what if the evidence is there? Research the Golf of Tonkin, research project Northwoods. Know what you are talking about before you open your mouth.

P.S. I’m glad you love your government as if they were infallable gods. Some of the greatest minds in the history of this planet have warned us of what power does to men, thats all these guys are is men with nearly absolute power, yet you can’t for one instance believe they would ever misuse that power.

Throughout time, Leaders have persecuted, killed and tortured thier own people in the name of doing right. We can always look back and see that it was in fact not right, but someone gone off the deep end on a power trip. It’s like drugs to them, they don’t want money or women, they just want to wield that power.

For the record this is one of the reasons Mcain scares me so much, he is old and has been craving that ultimate power for a very long time. He is a scary old dude.

In any event, I re-urge any of you to go watch the documentaries. Please do it for yourself, not for me. If you can come back to me after and say you don’t at least have some doubts, then I will be amazed.


I saw a documentary on YouTube which shows compelling evidence that UFOs caused 9-11. If anyone wants to join me in taking up armed resistance against our secret Martian overlords, you can start now by creating the required tin foil uniform (to block the Z-rays, naturally.)

[quote]beeglee wrote:
I saw a documentary on YouTube which shows compelling evidence that UFOs caused 9-11. If anyone wants to join me in taking up armed resistance against our secret Martian overlords, you can start now by creating the required tin foil uniform (to block the Z-rays, naturally.) [/quote]

Hardly Helpful. But ok give me the link. If you really don’t have a link then you are a fucking retard.


Obviously I was joking. But here, take your pick:

[quote]Vegita wrote:
beeglee wrote:
I saw a documentary on YouTube which shows compelling evidence that UFOs caused 9-11. If anyone wants to join me in taking up armed resistance against our secret Martian overlords, you can start now by creating the required tin foil uniform (to block the Z-rays, naturally.)

Hardly Helpful. But ok give me the link. If you really don’t have a link then you are a fucking retard.


LOL. Classic.

[quote]beeglee wrote:
Obviously I was joking. But here, take your pick:


I know you were joking, but in all seriousness, comparing the documentaries I mentioned to the UFO cut and paste conspiracies is uncool. All you do is to prevent someone from viewing them because you label them as (conspiracy whackos with tin foil hats) This makes people not even look at them, or if they do, not give them an honest chance.

They use video from News Stations, Government documents and person to person testimony and interviews. It is hardly crackpot journalism, even if they do make a few leaps of faith here and there. Again, if you have watched any of them with an open mind, you would not be making those comments. Or you would be, but I would then question your motives.


Alex Jones called Noam Chomsky a “shill for the new world order.” You have to be pretty far out there to think something like that.

I watched an Alex Jones documentary about the Bohemian Grove retreat in CA. He made the claim that it was some super-secret ceremony in with mock human sacrifice.

After watching two hours of him questioning locals and finally sneaking into the retreat, I was sorely disappointed to note that it was really just a cheesy end of the summer campfire. What a waste of time.

One can’t really disprove most conspiracy theories, so really you are left with a choice to believe or not, based on your inclinations. I’m not familiar with Alex Jones, but I bet he despised the US government long before 9-11, and I suspect he instantly “knew” the US government did it.

There’s one conspiracy theory about 9-11 I do believe. I believe a cabal of jihadists secretly plotted and carried it out, and I’ve seen lots of documentaries and articles to support it.