Age, Power, SPEED

Here are two tips:

  1. See everything you do in the gym like you see sprints: minimize stress and body unnecessary tension:
  • keep a relaxed face on every rep you do
  • do not attempt a set/rep that makes you nervous or anxious
  • do no psych yourself up before any set or attempt a set that requires psyching yourself up
  1. Buy a hand grip dynamometer. Russian sport-scientists have used grip strength as a measure for CNS working state for decades.
  • Use it daily to adjust your training stress level: when your grip strength is down; reduce the amount of CNS-demanding work (lower the weights, use less “complex/demanding” exercises, reduce the volume of intense work)

  • Use it to improve your peaking procedure. The goal is to come up to a competition with a peak in grip strength: that will indicate that your CNS is in an optimal working state.