Advice with King's 12-week Super Strength program

Hey folks. I found this website a few weeks ago and was very pleased to find so much information. Immediately, I started Ian King’s Twelve Weeks to Super Strength. Phase I was very unique and have shown gains already.
I just started Phase II Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION and I’m a bit confused.
You’re supposed to alternate between designated sets, for example doing a wide-grip lat pulldown then a shoulder press, and repeat once more.
The problem is that the last two or three exercises on workouts A and B only have one set but still say to alternate. Does this mean you can do an optional set or am I missing something here?
Would appreciate any advice on this.


Do only one group of alternating sets for that last group in workouts A and B. There is only one alternating set indicated here because King doesn’t include a warmup set.