Advice to Come to America

Thank you for this. This is really helpful for my case.


A whole lotta flatlander conservatives in here haha. If you value being around cultured, smart and educated people, and natural beauty you will understand the draw of California and Washington, and Oregon etc. Ive been looking for an area with all the above and with easy access to world class mountains (specifically skiing) and have yet to find a better option than Seattle.

SLC is a great city, but is much too bland for my taste. It lacks the multiculturalism, and metropolitan perks of an LA, SF, PDX, SEA, CHI, NYC etc. Also, i find most of wasatch and ESPECIALLY the salt lake basin not all that attractive (exceptions being uintas and certain other alpine areas). But the outdoor sports are world classā€¦ just be aware that the Great Salt Lake is alkaline is effectivly is a giant no-go zone.

Oddly, i would say to look into Fayetville, Arkansas. Arkansas is low key gorgeous.

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Easier to fly here and overstay your visa like most illegals.

The Irish lack a rabble rouser group to protect, you, however. So unlike the thousands of illegals I see tracking across my property over the years, youā€™ll get deported and jailed.

Since your going to Utah anyway, just pick up an extra wife.

Or have your wife give birth to a little anchor a week after you arrive.

Genius on both counts! Now I just need to begin the Herculean project of convincing my girlfriend on the former.


Missed this thread the first time around but as a transplanted northeast coaster living in Utah I can say that itā€™s really nice. Sure I miss really big city amenities at times but way more often I find living in a medium size city without significant traffic to be preferable.

The momo influence in SLC is there but itā€™s not been a problem for me or my family and Iā€™m not a church goinā€™ person. Iā€™ve got several Mormon friends who donā€™t drink but have no problems hanging out with people who do. Plus, they make good designated drivers! I think at this point SLC is well below 50% Mormon.

The mountains are awesome. Snowsports, hiking, and mountain biking are all off the charts here and itā€™s probably the easiest city in which to access the mountains. Colorado is great as well but itā€™s a much longer drive from Denver to the good ski areas there. On a good powder day there are lots of people who manage to get the morning off to ski and get to work in the afternoon.

And since youā€™re reading this site Iā€™m assuming youā€™re into working out and generally being healthy. This area is noticeably fitter and healthier than lots of other places in the U.S. that Iā€™ve been and Iā€™ve traveled a lot.

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Very good to hear!

Youā€™re welcomeā€¦ I am an immigrant myself. Happy to help where I can.

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He doesnā€™t have any reason to do anything illegal. He should be able to travel, work and stay here legally. Especially if he is from Northern Ireland which is part of the UK, he should have no issues. He may even be able to maintain a duel citizenship.
There is a difference between travel issues with our allies with which we are having no border issues and those hostile to our immigration policies because itā€™s a main source of income for their economy, say like Mexico.

I agree with the wife part, why notā€¦ Chicks dig accentsā€¦


If you have any questions on cultural differences, feel free to ask. The U.S. is a unique culture among the world. The countries in Europe, as west-centric as it may be tend to be more like each other than they are like us. Makes sense given their geography, but I will give you an example of what I mean.
When I lived in Milan, I only took a credit card, cash and a bank card with me in my front pockets. Never any ID, never needed it. You need ID here. If you buy cigarettes or alcohol or if you are pull over by the police, not having ID makes them suspicious. Europe, noā€¦ So thereā€™s one difference. ID is important here.

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