Advice on Training and Nutrition

This. Meal plan for one day and eat similarly everyday. Like 80% less bother.

Nah mane. 1kg of Chicken Breast with added hormones for dat dere absolutely propah anabolic chicken baby pls


Great stuff, thanks for the info. I think i need to get into a routine so it becomes second nature. I’ve bought a load of those plastic containers so i can pack my meals into those. I’ll shoot for 30g of protein in each one as i think i’m right in saying your body can only use and digest 30g at a time? anything else is a waste?
You’re totally right about using cheaper foods as it will be expensive i’m thinking things like low fat instant mash and a load of frozen veg, spinach, broccoli etc…chicken breasts are so cheap, Asda do this bag of like 10 breast fillets for £3.95! they are so nice!

Nope. Is bullshit/misinterpreted. More like muscle protein synthesis is near maxed with 30g in a sitting. Don’t worry about it as long as you spread protein consumption throughout the day. Hitting daily macros is more important. Spread/Divy it up however fits your lifestyle.

25kg bag of rice will last you a year lel. Also with a cooker you can leave by itself 30mins to cook in bulk. Try your nearest asian grocery store

Chicken Breast is hard to eat tbh tho I am a rubbish chef. You can chew that shit for hours and make some gains in your muscles of mastication at least.

EDIT: if you want more/peace of mind on Protein, google “Perfecting Protein Intake in Athletes: How Much, What, and When?”


Shit yeah! My fav muscles to work on!

EDIT: no wait, I read it wrong lol


Digusting out of 10 lel.

I enjoy it too… chewing that is. Nothing like getting a forehead/temple/full face pump

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Yeah it’s prob my 2nd fav muscles to work on haha

I get a full sweat happening if I have a big enough feed :joy:

I do have to one up everyone in everything so:

When I’ma eat it’s HIIT/Supersetting.

Every time I shovel more food into my mouth I have to shout SUPASET even if there’s already food in my mouth. Just spray it all over the table.


Thanks for clearing up the protein bit. One other thing you might be able to offer advice on is the macro targets I have calculated. Why do all these sites online differ in results?
I went with the one that sounded most sensible! lol

Think I wrote this somewhere before…

Thems is my recommendations but it’s still a big range. Pretty much anything in the ranges work well enough.

Your macros put you at a bit over 2500 cal.

Sounds a bit high to me but most important thing is you start tracking consistently. Weigh yourself under the same conditions daily and adjust macros up or down via carbs as required until you achieve desired rate of weight gain/loss.

Recommended rates of gains/losses can vary from 1% of bw/week to as fast as possible. Slower is usually better. For you probably best to go slower e.g. towards 1lb/week

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Great, again thanks for the input. I’ll try those figures to begin with and as you say keep track of weight and how I look and feel, and adjust accordingly.

I was thinking 2500cal is quite high, thats 700cal above my BMR but lets see how it goes i guess.

Sounds high af i.e. higher than snoop

When you put activity into the calculator did you put for your activity level: works outs twice a day, works active job as cross country running mailman and spends all free time fidgeting and shaking on clenbuterol? May explain the huge surplus.

Still … try it and see. Probably gonna have to adjust macros down.

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hahaha!!! LETHAL!!
Right OK, i think i get it…I’ll scale it down…This is what i mean by these results throwing up random shit

I put it in the following…

36 years
5ft 9in
Work outs 3-4 x per week
Goal - Muscle gain - Standard 10%
1g protein per lb of bodyweight
0.45g of fat per lb of bodyweight
The rest is carbs…

Do you know a calculator that will work out a more accurate reading? i can’t find fook all online…

This is the calculations from a different site…



^ Doesn’t matter where you start anyways because you’ll end up adjusting it