Advice for PCT? (Post Accutane Syndrome)

First of all, I have great sympathy for your situation. And I know you’ll beat it eventually. You just gotta be more stubborn than your problems.

That’s something I like to hear! Looks good!

I’ll point you in the right direction.

Your HPT works like this: brain signals to hypothalamus to send out GnRH. This binds to its receptors at the pituitary. The pituitary then secretes LH and FSH which bind to their receptors in the testicles. The testicles produce Testosterone (and DHT and Estrogens). This then gets converted to E2 in the periphery. So your blood now contains T and E2.

Clomid blocks the E2 receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary. These receptors are there to provide a feedback loop, which means if E2 is high, then GnRH, LH and FSH will not be secreted.

So: Clomid increases GnRH, LH, FSH, T, E2 and DHT.
It ENHANCES and heightens HPT function.

Now hCG is nothing but a hormone that binds and activates LH receptors ergo it stimulates the Testis directly. The problem is: hCG will decrease GnRH, LH and FSH.

So both have their application. HCG is indicated when you want to stimulate your testicles and Clomifen when you want to get your whole axis going.

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