Advice About a Co-Worker

I understand that’s typically the best policy to go by.
But maybe I’m unique in that way. I’ve wanted to be a writer my whole life. If I had my way it would be a best selling novel and an academy award nominee for best adapted screen play.
It’s not private by any means .

I’m a very creative person. I need to express myself in some form or another or I go crazy.

Yes it adds drama in some situations I’m sure. But I need to get these things out of my system.

Holy shit this sounds accurate

A thing I’ve learned to do is not to protect (keep secret) that people don’t treat me well. If there are confusing things I don’t want to mention, like small lies or things I don’t approve of and imagine others wouldn’t, either, I acknowledge these as the serious red flags they are.

I’m still a people-pleaser, but I no longer do this at my own expense.


I’m in the midst of an equal but opposite situation. It will be ok, and I’m going to make sure that I keep my side of the street clean, but I’ve recently begun to interact with a woman that gives off all of the signals.

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you should make sure that you keep your car in good shape. Many people disregard regular maintenance and it creates trouble for them in other areas of thier lives. I know that mechanical vehicles can be confusing at first, and some would find it a daunting task to keep a maintenance schedule, but I believe it would help you in this situation.

thank you for coming to us with this issue, hope my advice has been helpful.



If this is something you need to do, and if being that open is good for you, then do it - just start accepting now all the things that come along with that. Being that open makes some people feel uncomfortable, makes some people think you’re giving them romantic vibes, makes some people run away, makes some people angry, and that all says more about them than you, because being unabashedly open and honest is a good thing - it’s just difficult to do because of all those adverse reactions that people give off.

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In my circle we say “You’re only as sick as your secrets” meaning about the same thing.

One critical element that is missing for a lot of people is someone they can trust to confide in.

Oh and sorry to reply to this,
He does have authority over me , but I dont report directly to him.
He does have to work on things with me as they all delegate tasks and sometimes he handles my situations.

I am okay smiling and nodding and ignoring , but I just cringe everytime I get another email that is so obviously him going out of his way to be passive aggressive towards me, it drives me nuts , honestly .

I never do anything or react, but it does affect me emotionally, and to be honest , a fair amount too. I’m a sensitive person and I dont like it when people are upset with me, even if ive done nothing wrong.

Have no idea why you meet crazy guys (honestly I haven’t read anything else you’ve posted on the subject), but there were some pretty clear signs that he was going to make things weird. Did you like all the attention he was giving you? If not, then why did you continue to indulge in it for months?

I would just keep it as professional as you could and not worry about or make a big deal about how he writes his emails to you, unless they become offensive. Then that’s an HR issue.

I didnt like the attention, I thought I was just making a friend who shared similar interests.

I just thought he was odd, but someone who I could potentially share enriching conversations with

Firstly, dont share/make anymore people at work aware of your mental health blog.

How exactly is he passive aggressive in these emails. -there’s not much room for emotion
in workaday corporate emails -either he’s stepping over a line or possibly you’re reading too much into them?

Yeah tough love time, …you’re a self-supporting single mom in your 30s and you want to soon run around with a convicted felon on release. You’ve got to harden up/ get over this type of thinking or you’re in for a bumpy ride

Well he used to be like "hey , buddy, thanks! You’re a great friend, thanks for letting me know! No problem, buddy! Awesome ! -insert joke here- etc etc
Now its I am aware of the issue . So and so will handle it.
It’s just an obvious shift in mood and because I’ve dealt with him being angry with me before I know this is what he does to ensure that I know hes upset with me.
I don’t so much care that hes upset, more so that he keeps trying to get a reaction from me.

“I wrote a rap about you that I could never share” he says.
Ok great then

And I’m not running around with anyone. I’m intending to help someone I care a great deal for stay sober

Doesn’t sound too bad just ignore it all.

Hahhaa. 10 years ago on the forums the standard response would be like say he sounds infected with tha ghey.

Tell him …‘no worries, share it with your wife instead’ :laughing:


Oh my god , I so want to go back in time and say that! That’s a great response

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After hearing all these responses, what’s your plan of action??

Knowing her, it’ll be to avoid and deflect. Maybe approach it with some weird way that’ll just lend to the awkwardness.

Love ya Spock!!


You say you’re a single mother right, is this guy the father? If not, then do you really think it’s wise to keep someone like that around your kid. You’re helping him maybe, but you won’t be the sole reason he gets fixed. That’s not your responsibility to make sure he sobers up.

I am so very torn between agreeing wholeheartedly with this and just quietly backing away in order to do no harm. I am going to hesitantly do the former.

I say this with the greatest fondness and even respect for Spock: you’re absolutely right. I would add a probable request for thread deletion as well.

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Oh absolutely, I love Spock, she adds a great deal of spritely whimsy to the board and appreciate her demeanor.

I’m only half joking as it is about what she’ll do, friendly ribbing so to speak…kind of exaggerating what’s happened in previous threads with her

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Exactly! If I didn’t like her so well, I wouldn’t hesitate to rib her hard, but I know she’s sensitive, which is one of the things that makes me feel so protective. The sensitive/protective thing is always hard, because you want to help her, but often it spooks her instead.

Let me state for the record that Spock is one of my very favorite posters on these boards. I interact rarely because I think I intimidate her, but I am ALWAYS in her corner, wishing her well.