AD Diet Permanent?

Is the AD diet permanent? After reading the articles it seems it is based on a metabolic shift…your body no longer handles carbs so well…so do you have to stay on it forever? If you go back to eating carbs more often do you just gain back a ton of fat?

Check the humongous thread called “my Experience on the Anabolic Diet” I’m coming up on six months on it and the question is pretty much moot for me. I don’t wanna go back. I will say if you aren’t willing to commit at least a couple months getting fully adapted, don’t bother. I don’t care what anybody tries to tell you.

[quote]sarah1 wrote:
Is the AD diet permanent? After reading the articles it seems it is based on a metabolic shift…your body no longer handles carbs so well…so do you have to stay on it forever? If you go back to eating carbs more often do you just gain back a ton of fat?


This is something you’d have to ask advice for from someone like Christian Thibaudeau in his locker room. But from what I’ve read, if you were to transition back to a higher carb diet, you would need to do so on a gradual basis, making subtle changes every two weeks or so. Even then, you’d probably want to follow the principles of nutrient timing as espoused by Berardi since they are sound nutritional practices regardless.

I should also mention that everything Tiribulus wrote with rings true for me, too. The AD is something you’d need to stick with for an extended period of time to get “fulled dialed in” (that is, learn how to use the diet correctly for your individual body needs and goals). Also, I’ve been on the AD for quite some time now myself and definitely don’t want to return to a higher carb diet. I simply feel better, look better, and perform better on this diet. Besides, I eat 1000-1200 grams of carbs over the weekend. I get my fix.