'Abusing' Rest/Pause and Drop Sets?

If you squat to about 2-4 inches below parallel the muscular actions on the knee are balanced due posterior force of hamstrings balancing the anterior force by the quadriceps.

This of course only applies to properly performed full (just below parallel, NOT ATG) squats.

Another benefit of full squats is the hamstring development which is brought about by them actually help to protect the ACL in activities where running/sprinting/jumping are involved.

so basically people with no ACL can squat as heavy a necessary, because the ACL is under no stress in a correctly performed full squat.

If you don’t believe get the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and read the chapter on squatting.

Ok, but again with this program, I was asking about the certain number of sets. Reading “how to make a damn good program” said that each muscel group should have between 9-12 sets. And said that strength comes from more sets.

When this certain program only has 3-4 sets for most workouts. I know that I’m being repetitive and probably annoying, but it seems like lots on things on T-Nation contradict each other sometimes. So, it likes which one do I choose?

Step 4. Select the number of sets for each muscle group

The total number of sets in your program will vary depending on your work capacity, lifestyle, diet, and other factors. Generally speaking, you should be doing between 6 and 16 sets per muscle group, and in fact most trainees make good progress keeping to a range of 9 to 12 sets.

If you’re doing that many sets and still not properly stimulating your muscles, it may just mean that you’re being a pussy, and should increase your intensity and effort.

A) Box squats done powerlifting style(not as wide stance though) should relieve knee pressure and

B) Low sets work… period. Check Iron Addict’s track record against any trainer out there and he stacks up pretty well against anyone you’ll find. The reason is that he creates really simple programs and gets people to stop worrying about every little thing and get back to basics

Work hard on basic programs
Get strong
Eat Protein
stay in shape
= Big strong lean individuals