Absolutely No Sex Drive

Are you burned out or tired in general?

Quit masturbating & watching porn all together bro. Porn and masturbation is like a drug plus it’s a sin. Look up “nofap”. Porn and masturbation is destroying so many young guys these days. It’s extremely unnatural and makes you less masculine also. Stopping masturbation increases the sensitivity of your androgen receptors. You may need 3 months abstaining it to reset your brain. Call me crazy but I swear it helps. Quit beating it for a month and you’d nut to anything. Being fapped out of your mind desensitizes you

Also stress and not being sexually attracted to her can be a factor

You’ve taken drugs yourself, and you’re giving someone advice to facilitate premarital sex, which is also a sin. Masturbation is healthy and normal.

You’re just saying that to defend your own masturbation lol you sicko :joy::joy:. Self admittedly steroid usage is taboo but it doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible specifically of anything of the sort to my knowledge, but I’ll be the one to pay for it when the big man up stairs comes.The Bible does say specifically about sexual immorality. So with that being said I disagree, masturbation is not normal and healthy. It’s actually unnatural and an unhealthy, your brain hard wires itself to the dopamine response just like taking hard drugs would like meth and heroine (they’ve done brain scans in studies to prove sex activates the same areas of the brain as drugs). I’m no Bible thumper either, religion or not I believe masturbation is bad for your mentality as a man.

Also besides it’s a proven fact that masturbation and porn can desensitize you and hurt your sex drive, and libido. So no arguments it’s not good if your trying to have a normal relationship. Hence why “nofap” is getting hundreds of thousands of men & women on the following.

100 years ago back to the begging of Mankind we all didn’t have iPhones and Androids to instantly pull up the craziest kinkiest porn men actually had to go out and get some pussy when they had an urge. This new age is unnatural

Yeah, argument here. My wife and I watch porn together and by ourselves, and have sex daily. This is just another weird cult following, and I see no evidence of “hundreds of thousands of men & women” following this nonsense. Absent of a true compulsive masturbation disorder, general medical consensus is that masturbation is normal and healthy. It’s like the fap version of anti-vaxxers- you cite opinions as facts and then claim there’s no argument to be had.

And you sound like a Bible thumper - the type of Bible thumper who cherry picks what’s okay and what’s not - steroids and premarital sex, okay. Masturbation, no.


Still could masturbate…

How hypocritical to cite an opinion as a fact? Hmm

That’s funny because I can find studies citing that masturbation has negative side effects, just as I’m sure I could find conflicting studies saying it’s positive. I’ll go with what my intuition tells me, I think it’s wrong!

It’s not an opinion. If you’re doing biased searches or finding religious websites, it’ll tell you what you want to hear. But GENERAL MEDICAL CONSENSUS is that SOME men can have problems from masturbation, but it’s healthy and can IMPROVE sexual function. You’re honestly citing a movement called “NoFap” and taking yourself seriously. Just the fact that you have to cite religious reasons means you have no scientific Leg to stand on. It’s bullshit, and this guy says his ED problems started during a stint of heavy drinking.

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I agree with this. IF he’s doing it too much. You didn’t ask how often he does, you told him porn and masturbation is a sin and to stop it. And it’s not healthy to constantly have a boner, the poor woman would be torn to shreds after a week. My wife NEEDS me to jerk off because I could go 5x a day if I didn’t rub one out in the mornings.

Porn and masturbation can be problematic for some men. They wind up using more and more extreme visuals for stimulation, which are not likely to happen in real life, and the feel of a male hand is not alike to anything found on a female body. Guys get used to a strong grip that offers the exact rhythm they respond best to, and then have difficulty feeling both mentally and physically stimulated by girls who are not loudly moaning out orgasms with vice-grip vaginas.


Agreed - which is why I said some men can have problems with masturbation. But the idea that it’s a drug and a sin is dangerous, IMO.

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Forgive me if this is an inappropriate question, but what do you envision as the outcome of semen enologists pooling DNA with girls with vice-grip vaginas? And remember, I’m a classy guy, so keep it clean please.

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While intercourse and watching pornography both raise testosterone levels, masturbation doesn’t, but all three appear to raise estrogen receptor levels and decrease androgen receptor sensitivity in the brain, so masturbation without pornography may have the downregulation effects of sex and porn without the boost in testosterone.


All those messages and no one has asked OP about a precise dietary log (using cronometer.com if possible) or a training routine?

Most guys with normal / high T feeling like crap are massively overtrained and eat way too much fat and foods low in nutrients, thinking they’re under recovering and need to eat more. Very high SHBG is yet again another side effect of high fat diets, on top of trashed blood flow, high Cortisol, tissue insulin resistance, more fat Oxidation rather than glycolysis meaning less CO2 & ATP, hypoxia, ED. Been there done that, but don’t nobody wanna train less and eat better :wink:

OP should get free T, TSH, maybe e2&shbg although free T % typically tells most of the story. A Dutch Test is more thorough and will reflect tissue levels of hormones better than any serum test. In the meantime, cialis will do the work as a temporary fix while you’re figuring out what’s wrong that leads to those issues

I partially agree with you.

Pornography can absolutely cause addiction, to the point where you can feel sexual arousal and pleasure only while watching it, and not from the real thing. I’ve went past that before, when I had an orgasm while watching porn I could feel the dopamine rush and feel good afterwards which make me do it over and over again, and when I had one when I was having sex with my girlfriend at the time, I actually felt worse after orgasm, because my brain was so used to cumming on pornography. It actually got to the point where I prefer porn over real sex, for the sole reason that my addicted brain gave me that dopamine rush from watching, because it was used to it, and not from having sex. I sometimes had to even think of porn to even get aroused to begin having sex with her. Much worse, I could jack off to her nudes being horny as fuck, but not feel anything when she was naked in front of me, because the first felt more like porn.

In that sense, pornography can be both psychologically AND physically detrimental to a man’s sexual performance and should be avoided at all costs.

Masturbation itself though, is not. There’s absolutely no scientific evidence to point out that masturbation by itself has any negative effect whatsoever on male sexual performance, in fact, it is proven to be benefitial. The problem is, for men masturbation and porn go hand to hand, which leads to the issue you just mentioned. And porn is proven to be harmful many times over.

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Thank you for proving my point!

It’s a late post, but my cousin who was in college at the time, ~21 yrs old, had this same problem. Tried to be intimate with 3-4 girls (not same time) and just couldn’t get it up. I told him he probably had performance anxiety.

Fast forward 6 months, I’m at a family gathering and ask how he’s doing in college…family gives me a weird look…then tells me he came out of the closet, quit school, and is now traveling the country with his gay softball ‘friends’.

Never saw it. I don’t think he even did until multiple failed sexual encounters with hot girls.

Edit: in hindsight, I should have asked if he tried hitting them.