Post a photo or everyone here will assume you are either wrong or lying (with good reason). You must have not trained a day in your life for that to be possible.

Anyway, do heavy cable crunches. I don’t know why these have gone “out of style” lately, but they sure as hell have better results than doing a bunch of queer little crunches all day.

If you wanted to develop your arms, you wouldn’t do sets of 20 curls with an unloaded EZ-bar… so why do people do the equivent thing with their abs and expect results?

This is reminding me more and more of that “Massive Gains” post in the Photo Forum back in the winter. The guy who genetically topped out after 3 months of training and decided to do a cycle.

Try squats and Deadlift heavy. I was 8%
had the same problem. I starting squating
and deadlift abs got rock hard. I now at 10%
and can still see them.

To Eric,

Good call…haha but I would think somewhere down South would hold the prestigious title of incest capital of the world…just my opinion.

This guy can’t be for real. Isn’t “FratMuscle” also the guy thats 6’ 1", 145 lbs. and inquiring about steroids a few weeks back!

Try the old 8 minute Abs video! Stupid video but it works.

Gotta call bullshit on this one. Check out the guy’s other posts, along with the name and the stats. And his current silence. Funny, though.


On the off chance that you’re neither a troll nor lying your ass off, if you’ve got single digit bodyfat and can’t see your abs, you don’t have anywhere near the muscle mass you should have. Forget about abs entirely for a while and worry about building a big bench, squat, and deadlift. Once you’ve put on some muscle, your abs will pop through even at higher percentages of body fat. Many of us here can see our abs, albeit blurrily, even slightly over 10%.

Marathon runners have a lowbodyfat and they don’t have a 6-pack.

Oh, then nevermind.