Ab Work Out

I am still in the process of getting big,so losing weight is not an option.
I still want to build some ab muscles since I dont have much there.

I eat fairly healthy and lift heavy.
So I have some questions.

Do I work out abs Like I do with other areas? like 15~25sets and do I do heavy weight or not?
Right now, I do abs after other work out and I do feel soar at all the next day,
some suggestions ??
Thank you

Heavy Barbell; work, DL, squat rows OH pressing anything standing with a bar bell is going to help build those abs then yes add on one or two ab exercises to isolate them Vary it go heavy on some days/exercises and rep out others.

They are just like any other muscle and train them as such.


[quote]ghdtpdna wrote:
I am still in the process of getting big,so losing weight is not an option.
I still want to build some ab muscles since I dont have much there.

I eat fairly healthy and lift heavy.
So I have some questions.

Do I work out abs Like I do with other areas? like 15~25sets and do I do heavy weight or not?
Right now, I do abs after other work out and I do feel soar at all the next day,
some suggestions ??
Thank you[/quote]

Wait, (pause) you do 15 to 25 sets per bodypart??? Sometimes less is more dude.

Add weight to your ab workouts. Do leg raises while holding dumbbells between your feet. do some situps holding a 10lb weight.

You will be able to do less reps but still hit your abs hard