a T-Vixen? wha?

Yeah, and its “tits”, not breasts.

I guess I’m a weirdo as TC’s article did not resonate with me even a little bit. Personally I had no interest in checking out the victoria’s secret t.v special at all. Women with shapeless legs and knees wider than their thighs just don’t turn me on. Girly girls just don’t do it for me.

I don’t understand why everyone is so upset w/ TC. He is a man who was being honest. If you don’t like his definition of a T-vixen, come up with your own and get over it.

Personally, I thought his article was funny…

I hang out with a lot of guys and hear a lot of stuff along these lines, so I was neither surprised nor offended by the majority in the article.

I did, however, bristle at the following passage:

"Since I’m a smart-ass by nature, I ordered a “Michael Jackson Breakfast Sandwich.” The puzzled cash register clerk asked me what that was.

I told him, “A tongue on a 12-year-old bun.”

I SINCERELY hope that TC didn’t actually tell that joke. Really. I honestly do.

Not because it’s even remotely offensive, but because it’s just not funny in the least.

Personally, I would have gone with this:

"What’s the difference between George W. Bush and Michael Jackson?

give up?

One’s the President of the United States, and the other one fucks little boys."

Now THAT’S funny.

That was quite possiblythe most inane and annoying article that I have ever read.

It saddens me to see a quality publication such as T-Mag portray drivel such as that as quality reading material.

In my opinion some choice words that may have been left out of TC’s article were drive, dedication and desire.

I would like to distance myself from that article as much as possible.


I haven’t read the Atomic Dog column in months. The only use I ever found for it is being able to access the new articles a few hours prior to the link fix-ups, since it’s the only column with a consistent name.

Just like a bunch of women to get pissy about something like this.

[quote]If a woman simply reads T-mag, chances are she’s a bonafide T-Vixen.
So you see, MD, any woman who has any fine qualities and accepts men’s shortcomings while admiring their strengths is a T-Vixen![/quote]

I think all you guys are included in that deinition just because you hang out around here with a bunch of dumbasses like us. What’s the problem?

OK, I just read the article. I think some might be misunderstanding its message and intent. I’m not defending it or saying I agree with everything in it, but I don’t think TC was saying a T-vixen is equal to all of the women in the Top 10 T-Vixen article.

His whole article was a response to MD’s message (kind of like a very long reader mail response). The point being, T-men like to look at women in bikinis with great bodies, so they can dream about nailing them. T-women know this and will let “boys be boys”, while knowing that a real T-man wouldn’t actually do it if he met her (unless, of course he wasn’t hitched at the time). They are secure enough in themselves to know that while “boys will be boys”, if you are with a real T-man, he will stay faithful.

Again, not defending it, just trying to explain its message. It goes along with the whole T-man image that has been portrayed all along, they like women – like to look at, like to touch, like to do more than touch… But only in their words and in their mind. Real T-men have integrity, values, etc.

Again, I don’t agree with this whole thing 100%, but I like how it counters much of the PC stuff these days and metrosexual feminizing of men.

Summary: If a T-man wrote an article called Top 10 Vixens – he would include GIRLS with great bodies. Who wants to read about how this WOMAN has a great personality, or is such a strong individual, or can lift this much weight? T-men want to see pictures of GIRLS in bikinis (or without bikinis!)! But in real life, T-men respect WOMEN that are strong (mentally and physically) and would prefer this WOMAN over some GIRL with a great body. But he wouldn’t tell that to his buddies.

Damn straight Merlin.

The cool females of the T-nation are still T-MEN whether they want their own label or not…not t-ladies, not t-persons…etc.

Too bad you can’t read the T-MAN oath on the registration page anymore…this needs to be clarified.

If you want the coveted/infamous title “T-vixen”, then of course you’re going to have some different requirements as explained by TC when he slammed his brass balls on the table this week. KLANG!! KLANG!!

-Personally I think TC is erroneous in his statement that:

?it’s not up to you to define a T-Vixen. We, the founders of T-Nation, get to do that. You want to name your citizens? Start your own damn country.?

Last time I checked, it is the people of a country that define themselves, not the founders. So, if we deem people like KCinNYC, E~, Patricia, Cass, etc. to be T-vixens, then that is what they are.

Sorry TC.

I think that everyone here missed MD’s point, which is that anyone described as a T-vixen should at least lift. TC took that ALL out of context, went on some rant about how just lifting doesn’t make one a T-anything, yada yada yada.

Thing is, she never said it did. Sure, you have to be hot. Sure, you have to be smart and not-a-doormat. But you have to lift. Otherwise, what’s the point of calling them T-vixens? Why not just call them hot babes and be done with it?

Anyway, I thought that it was about the worst thing that T-mag has run since that idiotic Maureen article. I really hope that this doesn’t signal some kind of jumping the shark point for T-mag.

And I agree with Magnus.

A total waste of bandwidth. I don’t see the point of the article other than to defend the top 10 t-vixen choices.

Looking for symptoms of what’s wrong here? Look no further than this article.

Well, I just wrote a long pissy letter but who knows if it’ll be printed so a “quick” summary.

There is a BIG difference IMO, between a T-Vixen and eye-candy. Hell I love gorgeous women and although some of the choices in the top T-Vixen article didn’t resonate with me my eyes certainly didn’t hurt looking at them.

But this was NOT what we were led to believe a T-Vixen is. A T-Vixen ( I thought) was a T-man with 2 X chromosomes. They were someone who is strong of heart, mind and body, who believes in honour and integrity, health and hearty joy of life. Someone who DOES lift… or at least looks after herself ( hell, could you really respect someone of either sex who didn’t)…and perhaps most importantly someone who lives their life on THEIR terms and says screw you to society if society doesn’t think that those goals are “normal” - how many of you get weird reactions cause you are proud of being a weight-trainer?

TC seems to agree with all of that…as long as they also:

"accepts men’s shortcomings while admiring their strengths " and apparently… gets his dick hard.

Which is kinda contradictory to the whole “live life to your OWN values” thing.
Hell, I DON’T want a woman that’ll accept my short-comings. I want a woman that’ll kick my ass until I better myself and who won’t whine when I do the same to her!!

Also, being picky the whole article contradicts itself on a number occasions.

“Similarly, we know a T-Vixen when we see it. You don’t have to be a
beauty to qualify as a T-Vixen, but you have to have the right stuff.”
"So we rely on our balls to act as barometers of T-Vixen-worthiness. "
“If a woman simply reads T-mag, chances are she’s a bonafide T-Vixen. The info and attitude presented here aren’t for Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm
"Similarly, when we run pictorials of alleged T-Vixen, we’re going to
choose the candidates based solely on their physical attributes.

So which is it?

Stuff this. I know one thing: TC has just gone down a hell of a lot in my estimation.

Not a T-Man (anymore), I’m a REAL Man

My dictionary states that a “vixen” is a “scolding woman”. If that is the case heck, I know lots of vixens. In fact, most women are vixens, or try to be.

T-mag has been writing articles like this for like five years now. Why the surprise? This is not even the first T-vixen article, there’s been several. Maybe all these female readers just weren’t around back then.

Men write this magazine, called TESTOSTERONE for gosh sakes, and men like hot women - shocker! Get over it!

I think some of the guys on this board are just going along with the PC here to gain the respect of the ladies on the board. In other words, trying to get laid… being men… men who like hot women!

Can’t you see when TC is just trying to get a rise out of you? Great article, I say. TC writes what most men are too pussy whipped or politically correct to say. And if you don’t like it, you can re-read the warning that comes before every atomic dog! “If it makes you think or laugh — or even get angry - it’s served its purpose.”

A lot of us got the point five years ago.

How about we substitute “T-pinup” as the term in TCs article and leave T-vixens rather as the female equivalent of T-man.

Needless to say many of the female posters to this forum would make both lists.

My issue is with the use of the word “WE”.

Do the other members of the Testosterone staff feel the same?

I believe the purpose of the Atomic Dog articles is to get people thinking. If that is correct then TC accomplished this. We don’t have to agree with it and it is nice to see members of the forum openly stating that they didn’t like it.

I don’t “need” a label to validate myself, my choices or my life. Who I am and what I represent can not be defined by an Editor of a magazine. I will probably quit using the title of T-Vixen. It wasn’t bestowed upon me by the Powers That Be.

I do love Men and I understand the whole “boys being boys” mentality. Which I guess is why this article didn’t really get me angry. The MJ joke was lame however. Wouldn’t be bragging about making that one up.

You people are moronic!

TC responded to a dumb letter in a joking way, if you read the article you can tell he’s just responding to the letter as he sees fit at that point in time and more or less defending the editors for running an article that ALL of you liked when it ran! TC always writes like this.


You’ve been featured in several articles, and have long been recognized as a TVixen, and have garnered much respect among the t-nation, and you can’t recognize this for what it is!? Just a quick rant response to TC to a reader mail, mostly aimed at being funny and carrying on about the things he GENERALLY carries on about! WTF!? Are you that insecure about your status on an internet board!? Do you not realize that TMag in several articles has PROCLAIMED you a TVixen? Do you not realize this is just a standard TC article, and shouldn’t be studied/analyzed too much. Speaking of that…


Who are you!? You actually read, studied, and re read this article!? You don’t have anything better to do on your weekend than to over analyze a quick blurb style rant!

BTW, I’m sure TC is devastated that he lost points in the eyes of the great Pagan! Idiot.

You just went into the negative as far as I’m concerned.

Overall, you people all just sound really bitchy and uptight! Why don’t you people loosen up the sphincters and your panties and let your stomachs unknot? You’ll live a lot longer…