A question for the conservatives

Or have a read of “Beyond Good and Evil” by Nietzsche.

even objectivism doesn’t fly unless there is a Creator who endowed us with the ideas of right and wrong…truth vs falsehool… Random chance/naturalism…cannot explain morality or ethics. if we are all just accidents of random chance, then our morals/ethics just happened to randomly…unpurposefully pop up as well…and to consider that as a rational theory defies any known aspect of logic.

PtrDr: I just wrote a paper on different ways of approaching what is “just,” and “justice.” If you’re familiar with the Platonic concept of ‘forms,’ and “the good/the just” can, in fact, be represented in that class, then you have a god-free version of justice. See The Republic by Plato, for details. Or, for a shorter read, try the Euthyphro and/or Phaedo.

One, there can exist an ethical & moral framework sans a deity.

Two, what is this “Canada” place everyone is mentioning?


I actually am an atheist and I think you misunderstood objectivism. The real genius of objectivism is the separation of outside influence aka subjectivity from your reasoning. There are many flaws in Ayn’s reasoning and her application in her life. (Read about her sometime.) However, I have found that the more that I analyze my effects on the world around me and I look for the most efficient resolution to a problem the happier that I am.

Oftentimes, I find myself in agreeance with Judeo-Christian values. At other times I am opposed. In still others I find experimentation to be the determining factor. An atheist world would be no more chaotic that the one we currently inhabit. Judeo-Christian values are a method of behavioral indoctrination that could be replaced by secular education and analysis.

The only thing that I do not have, but I have never needed is the ability to look to some other being and derive “hope” from that being. “Hope” comes from within me, when I look at my fellow man and see what they have done before, I know that anything that can be done, can be done through me.