A Question about Sheiko

Hi! I know a lot of people start with Sheiko 29# as a introduction to Sheiko, because of the volume.

anyway well I start with 3x3 by stephen a volume/ intesity program, with the first 4 which is volume and 4 last as intesity phase.

Phase 1, as that’s the only part of the program i’m going to run before switching to Sheiko

Day l
squat: 5-8x5
bench: 6-8x6
deadlift: 5-8x5

Day 2
squat: 5-8x5
bench: 6-8x6
deadlift: 5-8x5

Day 3
squat: 5-8x5
bench: 6-8x6
deadlift: 5-8x5

You train with a 68-70% of your 1rm and each week you put a 2,5-5 kg but keep the reps and sets the same.

My question is: Do you think i should run 29 after the first four week’s of stephen or sheiko 37 ?

And yes my body responds very well to volume

I can only give advice on what I have done. That said 29 worked great for me on squat and deadlift. After running two cycles my total went up by about 65 pounds, 40 on squat and 25 on dead. Unfortunately my bench didn’t change at all. I have never done the plan you are comparing it to so I can’t really compare the two but I have never had as much improvement in my lifts in such a short time as I did on sheiko. good luck