A Little Off Topic - Anyone Do TRT for Their Dog?

I can’t find much info from local vets on this, but I have a 12 year old casterated large breed that does not have hip dysplasia, but due to aging is having some pretty dramatic muscle decline in his legs which has translated to no more running and progressively shorter and shorter walks. it is very sad for me to watch. I have not yet found a vet that specializes in TRT, and wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience with this?

Im a dog lover… but the reality is most large breads at 12 years old are nearing their life expectancy. Not even aware of any type of hormone replacement for dogs…and in this case i dont think it would matter much.

TC talked about using Test on his 12-year old female Staffy:

“I’m reasonably convinced the metformin and the testosterone were responsible for giving her two or three extra years of quality life.”

I’d really be surprised if you did. It seems like a speciality of a speciality of a specialty.

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yeah, I know, the big fellas don’t carry on all that long, it sucks. He is in great condition otherwise, just his muscles won’t grow anymore… I am reaching…

Thanks for the link!

Stanozolol used by vets for anabolic therapy but I’d ask if you could do compounded oxandrolone. Obviously you’d have to find a thinking progressive Vet to get this to fly and understand why it may be a better choice looking at reward / risk ratio.


Stanozolol is available as an injectable in a concentration of 50 mg/ml in 10 ml and 30 ml vials. It is also available as 2 mg tablets. The typical dose for cats and small dogs is 1 to 2 mg/animal twice daily, or 25 mg of the injectable administered IM once weekly. Stanozolol may also be administered to larger dogs at a dose of 2 to 4 mg/animal twice daily, or 50 mg of the injectable form administered IM once weekly. It should be given with food.
Doses may vary in different species, when the drug is given by a different route or concurrently with other medications, and with regards to a patient’s age, breed, and health status. A veterinarian’s dosing instructions and/or those printed on the medication label should be followed closely.

If a dose of stanozolol is missed, it should be administered as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, the missed dose should be skipped and the normal schedule resumed. Two doses of this medication should not be given at once.

I had my dogs neutered. After that event I learned that it does have some health negatives for the dog (duh I guess). One of the dogs it would have been worth doing because of his horniness. The other would have been fine keeping his balls (he was less dominant than the other when he had his balls and the other didn’t).

The objective of the study was to determine the influence of either oral or intramuscular administration of stanozolol on nitrogen retention in dogs by using a non-invasive 15N-amino acid tracer technique. Ten healthy, intact, adult male sled dogs received either stanozolol tablets, 2 mg/dog PO, q12h, for 25 days (Group 1, n = 5) or an intramuscular injection of 25 mg of stanozolol on Days 7, 14, 21, and 28 (Group 2, n = 5). A 15N amino acid (5.27 mmol) was infused intravenously into each dog on Day 0 (before stanozolol treatment) and on Day 31 (after stanozolol treatment). Urine was collected by catheterization from each animal 3 times daily for 3 consecutive days. The 15N-urea enrichment in urine was determined by high-resolution mass spectrometry and the total amount of urea in the urine was determined. Both oral and injectable stanozolol resulted in significant (P < 0.05) increases in amino acid nitrogen retention compared to pretreatment values. Oral stanozolol increased nitrogen retention from 29.2 +/- 8.2% to 50.3 +/- 9.2%, while stanozolol injection increased nitrogen retention from 26.6 +/- 9.9% to 67.0 +/- 7.5%. The response to intramuscular administration was significantly greater than the response to the oral dosing regime. Stanozolol increases amino acid nitrogen retention in dogs, as has been previously observed in rats. This action of stanozolol may be beneficial in dogs under stress of surgical trauma and chronic disease.

Could also discuss sub-Q injection of nandrolone if Vet wasn’t open to oxandrolone. Have to balance potential lipid / clotting effects in elderly dog against the anabolic potential. Then there’s the constraint of what the Vet will consider vs do it yourself. Also, as these links demonstrate, start low and slow.


The Group I rabbits were further subdivided into the subgroups IA and IB of six animals each. Subgroup IA animals received Nandrolone Decanoate 10mg/kg intra-muscularly, biweekly for 2 weeks and the subgroup IB rabbits received Nanadrolone decanoate 10mg/kg biweekly for 4 weeks.

From Discussion

Anabolic steroids, especially oxandrolone, have been successfully used in the trauma and the burn patient population to decrease the lean mass loss in the acute phase of the injury, as well as, to more rapidly restore the lost lean mass in the recovery phase. Several studies have demonstrated an increase in the healing of chronic wounds. However, significant lean mass gains were also present [33]. Falanga et al., [34] reported a stimulation of the collagen synthesis with the anabolic steroid, stanazol. Erlich et al., [35] reported a 10-fold increase in the messenger RNA for collagen synthesis in a human fibroblast culture with oxandrolone. Tenenbaum et al., [36] reported an increased synthesis of bone, collagen, matrix, and epidermis in a wound of the oral cavity which was stimulated with oxandrolone. A histological analysis in our study also revealed more densely packed collagen with higher number of fibroblasts and mononuclear cells. Anabolic steroids have also been shown to trigger the release of the transforming growth factor beta by fibroblasts, which stimulates the bone formation in the granulation tissues [37].


From the above facts, we can conclude that anabolic steroids produce a better fracture healing by exaggerating the periosteal bone formation and by achieving a high osteoblastic activity and a better mineralization of the callus. They also seem to exert mild inhibition of the bone resorption without affecting or even stimulating the bone formation. Thus, anabolic steroids will definitely improve the fracture healing outcome and reduce the morbidity and the negative socio-economic impact. This was an initial study which was done to test the effect of Nandrolone decanoate on fracture healing, which showed positive results. We intend to do future evaluation with multiple doses and for a longer duration of time.

I know that AAS is used on hunting dogs in some circles - particularly for boar hunting.

Also, much of what’s covered in this book with humans would be good review to get you dangerous with your vet. Just like any interaction with a human doctor, it pays to be educated.



Thanks you all, I have some reading to do now! I did some more digging and I found a South Florida vet that actually does such a thing!