A Large Man's Pullup Dilemma

I did some pullups at the end of my impromptu workout yesterday. I could do 1 wide-grip pronated (hands at the extreme ends of the curved pullup bar on the cable machine) and 3 medium-grip pronated pullups (hands shoulder-width apart). Okay, maybe more like 2.5 medium-grip pronated pullups. I did a few sets of 2-3 and I can definitely feel it today. It feels like… victory.

Getting stronger hasn’t been a problem for me in my first year of lifting, so have decided to keep my lat PD’s programmed on the same day I have been doing them to make sure I get good volume and continued progression. I will add various pullup variations on my other two days so I might revel in my glorious ability to actually do them now, plus continue getting stronger and more fit. These will be done at the end of my workouts so I do not compromise my work on the main lifts of the day.

If anyone is curious about what I’m up to in the weight room, you can see it here:

Thanks again to everyone for sharing your perspectives on this issue. I really appreciate it when experienced lifters take the time to share their thoughts with us newbs.