A creatine question

Question-- If creatine is part of the Krebs cycle via converting to ATP/ADP, why take it with simple carbs? Wouldn’t the creatine just be turned into ATP, therefore bypassing the conversion of glucose to creatine pyruvate?
Also, would supplementing with pyruvate effect the Krebs cycle in the same way?

If you’re talking about what I think you are, the reasoning behind taking creatine monohydrate with carbs is not to help it ‘turn into ATP’ or anything, it’s just that they found that if you spike insulin levels while taking it (simple carbs spike insulin levels), insulin is supposed to help ‘shuttle’ it (get it into) muscle cells, where it would be converted.

I suggest you go read your physiology/biochem text again. First, creatine does help regenerate ATP from ADP. Also it helps to increase resting and recovery ATP levels. Taking it with carbs is designed to increase cellular uptake. Um, about the “Wouldn’t the creatine just be turned into ATP, therefore bypassing the conversion of glucose to creatine pyruvate”; I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Perhaps if you clarify, it could be answered. Glucose isnt converted to creatine - and what is creatine pyruvate? Are you thinking that creatine in the presence of glucose will undergo a chemical transformation? The krebs cycle occurs in a cellular component (organelle) called the mitochondrion. Just putting creatine and carbs in a bottle wont cause chemical transformations. There is tons of info on the net on this. Im not sure if this is what you were saying so if you clarify Id help. ALso, do a search and a little reading and if it still doesnt make sense to you, then ask and Ill be glad to answer.