A Beginner's Transformation

I trained twice a week on average and focused on progressing at big compound lifts. Slight caloric deficit (went 81 to 78 kgs). To be honest i used to lift consistently up to a couple of years ago, so muscle memory has to be taken into account (now I’m 24).

No actual question, I’m Just Happy and wanted tò share my gains (more coming sono :joy::ok_hand:)

First photo is 8th of January, the latter last week

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I’m calling bullshit on 2 months.

Either way, nice progress.


Take pictures in the same lighting.

The after is from above and casting shadows.

Great work!

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Sorry I don’t get it… As i said muscle memory and also a better lightning have their place, however I swear I am pleasantly surprised myself how I am progressing much faster than I would expect :smile:

To be precise it’s even LESS than 2 full months… But I am somewhat happy you call bullshit on that. As I Just said I’m very Happy and motivated

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If this was an honest 2 months with no supplements/AAS and only 2x per week lifting, I’d be very interested in what 6 months or a year would do.

Start a log, I’ll follow along


I don’t know if I’ll keep a full log, but for sure I’ll keep you updated with my progress :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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You’re right. I’ll be more consistent with it

Thank you!

Nah, i think its legit… Its just that the pics cannot be compared. First is relaxed, the second is flexed with a sucked in stomach. The first one has shit lights, the second one has good ones.
Honestly, i think i can make a pic where i look exactly like he does in the first pic, if i find a shit enough corner in some of my rooms. You wouldnt be able to tell i have ever done any kind of sport in my life.

These pics dont mean anything, since they are not same pose and same lighting. There are many examples nowdays online where fitness influences show themselves without pump and flex and in shit lights. Noel Deyzel posted one yesterday on his insta.

While I truly believe I made great gains (I see It in the mirror, in how my clothes fit, in how my lift progress), you’re right, photos are not comparable.

This wasn’t made to fool anyone, thought. I genuinely believe that I progressed MUCH MUCH faster than my expectations (as I said I believe that muscle memory was a huge part, as well as It is the fat loss component - in fact did you notice that most body transformation show some degree of fat loss?)

However, that being said, I’ll try and be more consistent with both lightning and poses, so that progress can be assessed in a more objective way

Another month or so (28 days After)… Bodyweight down 1-2 other kgs (around 75kgs now but It depends on Daily fluctuations) weight lifted going up on everything although i feel It would be less of a struggle if I was in a calorie surplus… But I don’t want to put on other bf and be “fat” in Just a few weeks of bulking… So let’s accept this

Of note I am struggling with chin-up, can’t do more than 10 (It might be due to the fact that they are my third upper body lift, and i hit those After 2-3 PRs). I might start to load some weight, let reps decrease, and after sometime. If anyone has other suggestions to increase that Number further I’ll be Happy to hear

Trousers and belt wear loose on my waist, while on my upper torso and legs clothes fit nicely.

HERE IS THE BEST PART: I am starting to catch a glimplse of abs.
Progress Is not as breathtaking as the previous one, but i feel like I’m still moving in the right direction.

How long have you been stuck on chin-ups? What are you doing to progress?

You can’t “care” about everything at the same time, but if you care about chins, a tried and true model is to get reps in in as few sets as possible. So say you’re going to do 30 reps as a target. First workout maybe that goes 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (5 sets). Next workout it’s 10, 8, 8, 4 (4 sets), and so on. Eventually you’re doing a bigger first set.

Basically I’m Just doing a couple of sets for each exercise in a double progression style (actually a triple progression The Triple Progression System ), so that I’m trying to PR either reps or weight. Same goes with chin ups.
It’s been about 2 weeks I’ve been stuck with 10 on the First set, then 8 (a true grinder) on the second set, that last reps doesn’t feel any easier than 4 workouts ago.

And yes I am caring about chins since they are the ONLY exercise I’m stuck at. I’ll try your target reps method.

If you’ve been progressing, and only stuck two weeks, I might not change anything. That’s not really plateau timing

When would you change?

Great question. For something like pull-ups I’d just make sure I’m always doing something more each workout, and it doesn’t have to be structure. So like one more total rep, or a long hang after my last set, etc. Once I get to a point that that’s becoming a huge grind or my elbows hurt or it’s taking away from the rest of my workout, I’d change something. I don’t know how I’d treat them if I considered them a main lift.

I guess I’d say give it another week or two. If it’s still not going how you want, maybe try the total rep progression I threw out above.

75 kgs, relaxed, no pump (photos were shot After training legs). About 3 months since I’ve started

What direction to move?

I’m down to 72-73 kg (I’ve Lost 8-9kgs, about 20lbs, depending on daily fluctuations) yet my abs aren’t visibile without good lighting, I’m feeling flatter and progress in the gym has been a struggle for the last month. I feel like I don’t even fill my clothes anyomore.

I’ll post a photo later tonight in the gym with the same lighting as the above photos.

Would It be stupid to stop the cut, bulk for a few months and then cut again to 72-73 kgs again but hopefully with more muscle and a better condition?

Now, of course the answer is dictated by personal preference, but I’d like an external point of view. Like if you were coaching me, or… If you WERE me, what would you do, assuming that my end goal in noncompetitive bodybuilding?

Thank you