800mg Test Cyp a Week, Total Test Is Only 1406!

Again I’m calling bullshit !! Smart or not, your injecting .8 twice a week …. That’s 320 mgs a week. Do you even have a clue what the hell you’re talking about ?!

You guys all coddle and enable the troll …. So gullible you all are.

160 mgs a week or so …. Lol change your name and take honest out of it. Replace with idiot or troll.

Friend you gotta settle down. I meant .8 total, so .4 twice a week.

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so after 3.5 days of allowing test to metabolize on 160 mgs a week your trough is 1406 stillstrong textl

you must be a 12-14 multiplier …

I mean there’s always the chance he’s a troll but there are plenty of people who are very good responders to test and have those levels at even less. I’m on the exact opposite of the spectrum. At 300mg a week my total is LESS than his on 160/wk

Hank, The times I’ve cruised low (150mgs) for 6-8 weeks, it raised my SHBG about 5 points, from horrible (16-18) to low 20s (less horrible, still bad. I imagine if I cruised longer, it would continue to improve. To what extent, I’m not sure. But I imagine it….takes….a….while.

I am not a troll my dudes. Unlikely to be talking about being stupid as fuck and admitting mistakes but, somehow trolling?

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I still love you

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@GiveHonest64 you are not the troll 150 is. He is always like this I have no idea why he even visits this forum. No one ever takes his advice. Here is my TT steady state when taking 150mg Tcyp/wk after 40 days. My SHBG is about 16 when this blood draw was taken.


So the lower this one is, the faster you metabolize steroids, therefore you get less benefit from them?

No… Not necessarily

Low SHBG is frequently correlated with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance will hinder gainz in the gym, adversely alter adipose tissue distribution.

Sometimes insulin resistance is genetic, otherwise some variables (diet, medications/AAS use) can also lower SHBG

There’s a reason low SHBG is associated with increased mortality rates (CVD, diabetes etc)… Very likely due to the strong correlation with insulin resistance


I just tought of this cuz my bloodwork always showed weird test levels. Maybe its not that lab is shitty but that most times i tested on non-injections days. Maybe i should inject ED and test it then… idk.
If my SHBG is shit and it metabolises test super mega fast, how much of a difference there could be, if thats the case, from E3D to ED? Possible worst case scenario?

You might just be an ultra rapid metaboliser.

My SHBG is very low (in the teens), I don’t appear to metabolize testosterone any quicker than the average Joe. For me the HL of TE appears to be around six days.

If thats the case, lets take worst possible scenario… What could be the difference bewteen ED and E3D injections?

ED vs e3d, ED will give more stable blood parameters.

However the difference will probably be marginal. You can try it, some people swear by it

Since im on a cruise, i cant draw precise enough in a normal syringe, i should use insulin ones. Is 1ml of test in insulin needle 10iu mark?
And also, what happens if i inject it into fat, not muscle(i would do quads or shoulders, but the needle is so tiny…).

Yea, it’s 100iu though

Half life would be prolonged slightly. Marginally alters the pharmacokinetics. UGL/most pharm grade T isn’t formulated for SQ administration. You can do it, I’ve tried it… You might get lumps/welts with sub Q administration, I know I do/did.

Instead I just pin glutes/shoulders. I only shoot 0.4ml/wk, so it’s easy for me to sustain IM shots.

wait, so 1ml of test in a slin syringe would be 100iu or - full syringe?

my glutes are too big, i have my mothers ass… my ass is better than 99% of the worlds women(every girl i have had said that to me, i didnt make it up) - its my weird genetics… slin syring wouldnt even touch my muscle in the glutes…
id do quads or shoulders… i just dont want to pin the 21g needle ED anywhere… also, if i need to do it ED, it would be such a lousy amount that half of it would be lost in a needle itself.

Pics? (Kidding, don’t actually post pics).

Depends on the type of slin syringe you have. Some are 0.5ml, others are 1ml.