80 Days of Training

A20 same as A19, progress is stalling, time to switch to b

A21 and 22, 20/2min and 50/7min (dropped the bells for.30s 3x in there).

I think the barrier to getting higher rep numbers is in part psychological. Let’s see if forcing myself to do 50 helps. I’m going to replace weighted dips with an upper body pressing motion on the TRX. My shoulders dislike dips and I don’t feel comfortable trying to push them.

Got tired of reposting the same crap. I’m at “A30ish” at this point, and just managed two sets of unassisted pullups, and have moved up to 2x40s and 2x62s depending on how I feel. Also started just walking/agility drills with 90 on the belt squat instead of the reverse hyper.

Next workout is ladders of clean-and-jerks with pullups, lets see how it goes. Pavel programs have never let me down before, and this was no exception.

Edit: did 6 ladders to 2, then two singles. 20 reps of pullups and CnJ with 2x28kg. Woo. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.