6 Week Cutting Cycle

Going to be running this as a little cutting cycle for 6 weeks before I go on holiday in September.

100 tabs Clenbuterol
100 tabs Winstrol tabs
100 tabs Anavar
1 pack Cytomel T3
50 tans Proviron

Do you think I should be using clomid or anything else as PCT?

What are the dosages? Will your holiday include any consumption of alcoholic beverages? Because if so…RIP your liver.

40mcg clen 1 to 2 times a day builds up from beginningc
Win is 10mg 2 times a day then 3 times a day for 2 weeks, exactly the same with the Anavar.
T3 is .5 to .75 per day taper up taper down
Prov is 1 fab a day for 5 weeks and is 25mg tab
And yes will be lots of alcohol on holiday. Tbh the liver is dead anyway

If you’re only goi g to take 20-30mg of Anavar then I’d say just skip it entirely. It needs to be run at least 50mg, and that’s coming from a guy who’s run it and who always thinks that lower dosages are better. Stick with just the Winstrol and save the var for another time.

Yup :point_up_2:…Var is fantastic but if you want to feel it’s true power you need to man up & run it with a injectable & run it 50-100 per day… For me 80mg is fantastic with test prop EOD…
Winny 50mg day = will be good but yur joints gonna hurt
BTW get some milk thistle u crazy bastard

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What what you recommend for a 6 week cutting cycle?
I’ve bought a load of milk thistle just didn’t add it to the list. Stopped doing anything that would damage the liver so it has a good months chill time while consuming specific things to boost its overall health…
That cycle was recommended for maximum weight loss to me by a mate I know, bit chubs at the moment still…also PCT or no PCT because he sad not to bother with anything after but I’ve always been told to run a course of PCT after any cycle

I don’t get the love for anavar haha. I’m so glad it works for you though. I’ve taken it pharmacy grade before up to 150mg a day haha and nada. But then again I always relate everything back to tren haha. I thin li anavar is good for women. That’s about it for me :slight_smile: @thehebrewhero

For me it makes nice hard cut muscles…i dont put on slabs of meat like other stuff but I do find I keep my gainz pretty good. Also its super mild no sides besides my bank account hurts. But yea nothing compares to Tren shes a crazy bitch but shes not for everyone. I think Var anyone can do without much worry.

I know I’m not supposed to be posting on here buuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttt I may have something to contribute that could possibly be helpful? http://www.adop.pt/media/4114/Oxandrolone_excretion_effect_of_caffeine_dosing_.pdf
In this study an individual was given a very small dose of oxandrolone with 300mg caffeine, the result showed that blood oxandrolone concentration increased more than “20 fold” and epioxandrolone about “15 fold”. The study concludes stating “Practically this means that similar concentrations/effects may be achieved using lower dosages”.
I’m not sure how relevant this is to OP’s situation but hypothetically 20-30mgs of anavar with some caffeine could equate to the anabolic effect of more anavar therefore making it worthwhile?

Who told you you aren’t supposed to be posting ? That seems stupid. This is a public forum and your posts are typically based in research. @unreal24278

No one specifically told me I shouldn’t be posting, around 2 months ago I was told by someone I believe is a vet on this website that I’d be doing everyone a favor by keeping my mouth shut and that the only reason I wasn’t driven out earlier was due to the declining quality of this website therefore I stopped posting because I think he might have had some valid points, not many people want some guy who technically isn’t even an adult telling them what to do or giving advice, also I don’t want to be a potential cause of a possible worsening in the quality of this website. I figured I’d start posting again when I’ve got a few cycles under my belt and I’m a bit older but a few days ago someone directly asked me a question so I figured I’d help out. Also the thing on caffeine and oxandrolone was interesting and possibly beneficial to the individual who wants to run anavar at very low doses, maybe an adequate caffeine intake could make it worthwhile, or not as the study seemed to also increase the rate of oxandrolone excretion as well, it’s a bit confusing.

Not an adult?
So you’re telling me using 20 to 30 a day of Anavar mixed with caffeine would make it act as a higher dosage?
I’ll research that because that’s interesting, I already experimented with caffeine and it’s definitely up there with the top sport enhancers.

Question is though PCT OR NO PCT with this cycle lol that’s all I wanted to know tbh

You should pct simply because you’re going to be pretty suppressed at the end of this cycle and you’ll want to get back to normal as quickly as possible. You’re going to put in all that work to cut and then be in a low testosterone state for a month (or more). You’ll start to lose strength, gain some of that fat that you cut off, and you’ll generally feel lousy. I say do what you can to preserve all that hard work. You should be ok running Nolva 40/40/20/20.


People some how always confuse SERMs (used for PCT) and AIs (used to keep estrogen down when on cycle). This cycle as written would not need an AI because you don’t have anything that can aromatize. Somehow guys think that if they don’t need to block aromatizing on cycle then they don’t need to use a SERM for PCT. Yes a SERM does keep estrogen from attaching to certain tissues but that is not all it does. Basically and simply put the SERM tells your body to start producing testosterone by synthetically kicking starting the homeostasis /HPTA loop.

Everything else has been covered except I want to chime in on the milk thistle.

I am a vet and get free blood work at the VA for the dumbest stuff. One time I told them I was having stress headaches and they ordered blood work. Anyways a couple weeks back I was in with my primary health provider going over blood work a case worker ordered…(your tax dollars at work)
We were going over my past blood panels because I had a slightly elevated liver enzyme level (I am wrapping up a cycle so I know why I am elevated right now). These levels have fluctuated through history and I know why, always slightly higher on cycle when I am using an oral. Anyways the Dr and I were talking about why they fluctuate. I told her I did take milk thistle as a sport supplement to help flush my liver. Well she looked it up and turns out milk thistle has a listed side effect of damaging the liver (I forget the word used). I personally don’t think it is damaging my liver as I always take it and I only saw the elevated levels when I was taking an oral (winny to be exact). I also use TUDCA especially when I am on oral winny or a tren cycle. I forgot to ask her about TUDCA.
I might start a thread about the milk thistle possibly damaging the liver in case others out there have had elevated levels and can’t figure out why. I do remember that the side effect of damaging the liver was pretty low on the list of side effects.

So if you are doing this cycle you listed go research TUDCA or at the least know that milk thistle might make your liver worse.

Still think that a very small dose of test in with this cycle would be a good idea but it is only 6 weeks of low then no test in your system. Plus the time during PCT where natural production is starting back up. How much damage from no to low testosterone can happen in 8-10 weeks? I know plenty of guys run long cycles without any test I just have a morality issue pushing me to comment for all the other guys that will read this thread.


Test is a must for sure. Prop, or no ester in oil is fine too. Hell, any ester is fine as the dose should be of a HRT one such that bloat is minimized but normal functioning of the rest of the bodie’s systems can continue.

I can’t really say I understand the use of orals when compared to injects of most anything. But then again, I’m adamant for efficiency.

Clen only works for about 2 weeks and it seems pointless to me.

A smarter approach would be Test/Mast and T3 if you feel it’s a must. Saves you some $ that you can then waste on the elixir of empathy you should so choose.

I am glad captain commented. It reminded me of something I should share.

If memory serves me then clenbuterol is a beta 2 stimulator. Captain’s comment on it only working two weeks is accurate. Clen helps up burn fat but it also has an anticatabolic effect. That effect definitely goes away at about 18 days of continuous use. The fat burning goes down significantly around two weeks to 18 days. Now a beta 2 up- regulator can help with extending the length of time that clen helps us burn fat. The most common beta 2 up- regulator is benadryl. The benadryl either stimulates the receptors or cleans them, I forget which. I might be off on the terms I used like beta 2 but the core of what I am saying is accurate. Go look up clen and how to extend it’s fat burning time frame to see the other things you can use to clean those receptors and extend it’s working window.

NIC nailed the science. Many will use yohimbine if you can tolerate it for the alpha receptors which are what need to get hit once the betas are exhausted. However, I can’t speak to DNP, but sterile resveratrol and/or 4-OHT(if you can find it) were best at fat loss hands down.