6 Unwritten Rules of the Gym

Oh ain’t that the truth!

Here’s some locker room etiquette:

Keep your bare ass off the bench!

That and the M1 Ping are the best sounds.

Yeh I like that one too :slight_smile: — hate the AK tones tho!

Need a rule against taking the plates of someone who gathered and prepared them in advance near his station for his lift

Forever noobs will never understand that

No doubt. Had a guy the other day damn near steal the bench I was about to use. Guess my walking towards the end of the bar with a plate made him realize. Ppl really should keep their eyes open!

You actually don’t deadlift because you’re too lazy to put the plates away?

It’s like anything in life, people are generally inconsiderate and too self absorbed to notice anything that anyone else is doing unless its for there own benefit.

You can hire C-grade celebreties to make appearances for pretty cheap prices. I always wanted to hire one of the Saved By The Bell guys to just follow me to work and hang around my desk.

Anyway, presumably they can do this sort of work. How cool would it be to have Cha-Chi loading up your squat?!!


Yes. that’s one of the reasons. There are better things to do with my time.

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Lol that would be awesome.

IF your attitude is that you have better things to do than to spend the 90 seconds to load/unload plates for one of the most effective exercise in the gym, then perhaps your attitude is you have better things to do than workout at all? I just don’t see the logic in that. Your spending x amount of minutes working out… You are probably SAVING TIME by doing deadlifts, even with the time to load and unload the plates because you hit so much of the body in ONE exercise. So really that makes no sense :confused:

Of course it makes no sense to you. You are a noob.


It’s funny, you always spam my posts until I ask you for your stats, then you stop posting. It’s a cute little pattern we have going on. If you neglect to reply again, this will be the 3rd time.

You are a very dishonest kid. I would like you to quote the exact post where you asked for my stats. I would also like to know your definition of “spam”.

The thread that you argued with me on for hours, I asked twice… the last post from last night is me asking that too which you stopped replying…

The thread is titled Two-a-Days for extreme growth.

Wrong person toots, your shit at this ay.


Then quote them. Or screenshot it so we know they were addressed to me. Because I know they were not.

And again, define “spam”.

Actually my apologies I had you confused with somebody else.

I am completely wrong and I admit it and apologise that’s totally my bad.

