5 Years On TRT with New Onset Cardiac Issues 32 Y/O

We try to get most guys near E2=22pg/ml
To get there, multiply anastrozole dose by 15/22
2mg x 15/22 = 1.36mg

You can dissolve anastrozole in vodka 1mg/ml and dispense by the drop or volume, into a glass of water and drink.

Inject 100mg T cyp twice a week
take anastrozole at time of injections
250iu hCG SC EOD - more is not needed, more could jack up E2

8% body fat could be part of your problem.
Do you get enough healthy fats?
Total cholesterol <160 is associated with increased all-cause mortality.

See if these fix your heart beat:

  1. Vitamin K2 amazon.com/Life-Extension-Advanced-Complex-softgels/dp/B004GW4S0G
  2. Magnesium T-nation Biotest store sells “ZMA” https://biotest.t-nation.com/products/zma

Please post lots of lab results with lab ranges.

See last paragraph in this post to eval your overall [effective] thyroid function.

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys - need more info about you
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Evaluate your overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky. Thyroid hormone fT3 is what gets the job done and it regulates mitochondrial activity, the source of ATP which is the universal currency of cellular energy. This is part of the body’s temperature control loop. This can get messed up if you are iodine deficient. In many countries, you need to be using iodized salt. Other countries add iodine to dairy or bread.