5 Months of Consistent Lifting, Questions

I’m on a full body workout plan that is supposed to be 3-6 months long. I got it from bodybuilding .com.

  1. Do I necessarily have to switch up the workout next month? If so would it be another full body beginner workout plan just a different type? I only want to do full body no split. Like every workout beginner plan I Google is for starting beginners…not beginners at 6 months experience.

  2. If one has a high body fat (at least 20%) and builds his abs because he want to stenghthen his core…will his belly protrude further out over time as if he got fatter but didnt? I supposedly lost 2% bf while gaining at least 8lbs yet belly is noticeably bigger…however evwrhthing just about looks the same.

  3. Will a 9 point skin fold test show a much different percentage than a 4 point skin fold test?

  4. I also want to mention I’ve been on TRT for 9 or 10 weeks

  5. Do beginners plateu?

I remember your post regarding #2 - you gained abdominal weight. Take that however you want, but I’d be willing to assume you didn’t lose 2% bf.

Every beginner program will work. After 6 months, you’re still a beginner. This is only my opinion: but I believe that if you can’t comfortably bench 225 for 5, squat 315 for 5, or deadlift 405 for 5, you’re not yet intermediate. Of course, bodyweight and leverages affect these, and I have teammates with sub-300 benches who also squat 500’s and deadlift 600s. Basically if what you’ve been running works, keep running it. You may need to add some volume whether its in the form of more weight, more reps, and/or more sets.

For #3, I dont think you need to be so concerned with skinfold tests.

I think beginners plateau. Around this time, you might really need to attack the accessory work.

How do I know if a program is working if I’m still a beginner and practically every program for a beginner should work?

Attack the accessory work?

Are you progressing? Are you doing more weight and/or reps on an exercise?

Yes, attack the accessory work. You need to address weak points via accessory work or variations of the lift you’re doing.

There are also plenty of good programs here. I love to suggest Boring But Big:

If you still plateau on that, I feel for you YOUNGBLOOD

This is random but my left arm has to stay away from lifting next 2 weeks from what PCP told me today. Is it possible to just change up exercises where I can do everything but left arm movement?

You can just take it easy for 2 weeks. You have the rest of your life to train, so 2 weeks off won’t ruin you.

If you’re really worried about it, try this for your lower body:

Maybe skip the pushups, but I don’t know what your PCP thinks of modified pushups like wall pushups or what not. I don’t know how jacked up you are.

It’s from tendinitis I got like in Feb or March when I was lifting right it’s not anything sprained or broken. But for some reason I avoided common sense this whole time to just rest it for a little. That’s why I think I could at least do some lifting just not using left arm

Actually he even said that. I can lift just nothing with left arm

I guess I can make excuses at my warehouse job to do easier tasks too lololol

what the fuck is going on here? How is it that you sound like you know absolutely nothing about lifting weights, and you’re posting in the beginner section, when 6 YEARS AGO you were posting about your first steroid cycle, which you said you were starting after 3 previous years of lifting weights.

This is definitely one of the stranger things I’ve seen on TNation. Your semen-peeing thread is equally odd. It’s as if your mind has absolutely no connection to your body.


I had to read that one a few times to make sure my brain wasn’t playing tricks on me. WTF?!?!

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He also asked this: " Why can’t I eat junk at maintencance calories as long as I’m getting enough protein?"

He also said his shirts are tighter around the belly area, and yet he simultaneously has lost an inch off his waist and bf% is down.

He’s a lost cause.

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Never trust a time-traveling steroid abuser who doesn’t know how to lift weights or jack off.


if I had a nickel for every time I’ve said that…


Might wanna take your job more seriously so you can afford TRT and groceries.

Fell, got amnesia, forgot he lifted weights and everything about it?

HahhhAHAAA In that thread from 2012 he was 28 years old but now this year he’s 25.

If I post retard threads and follow junk from bb dot com will I get 5 years of my 20s back??
Do I have to grow a half mullet in honour of Don Johnson from Miami Vice again?