5/3/1 Two Days a Week with Option 2?

Why not just use a 3 day a week template rather than adapting a 2 day a week template to 3? They are all in the book and there are many posted on here.

I know about them and i bought both books. My problem is, that I have so much time for only about 4 weeks
 after those 4 weeks I will have to reduce it from 3 to 2 per week again. And I think it doesn’t make sense to change the template for 4 weeks. Thats why

So train twice a week, as the program states, rather than changing it for 4 weeks.

There is a simple solution - have an A workout and a B workout. This is exactly what I wrote for the TNation article detailing training for busy people.

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Okey, also a smart solution! But I think I stick to the template you wrote down for me before. Much fun and a lot of sweat so far! Thanks a lot Jim!