5/3/1 Testimonial

I have been using 5/3/1 and 5/3/1 for PL for the past 4 years. I have have used many different forms of assistance work over the past years and have found out the following about myself and body.

The basic lifts performed correctly will always lead to improvment:

My numbers when i began were very low, i had lifted weights for six years consistently bouncing aroun from bodybuilding routines in magazines to using Mentzers HIT training. I had what Jim called training ADHD. I never committed to a program. Since using a methodical sytemmatic approach of starting light and improving steadily i have went from a shaky 1RM of 185 to a solid 315 for 2 on the bench. A 315 dl to a 545 deadlift. From not squatting at all to a 455 2rm max in the squat. And an ever improving 245 overhead press.

Assistance work is just that Assistance:

In the beginning i used to track all of my assistance work now i try and not sweat the detail. Plain and simple find out what you are weak on and crush it with assistance work. I have found that the boring but big template is great for a few months before I get bored/burn out on it. I regularly mix body weight and accomidating resistance every few months for change and fun. I also force myself to two months for assistance. Because in the end my goal is strength…and that is covered by the main movement.

I hate running and super setting assistance works for me:

I am in Army special operations and i have to take an Army PT test twice a year. I run a 15:15 two mile which is not out standing but it is definitely not to shabby. After i am done with my main movement for the day i will take two exercises and super set them with minimal rest to improve my cardio. I will usually get a warning about a month out for my test. once i find out the date i gradually decrease my rest times and a mile for time each week.

Conditioning play a huge role how i feel overall:

On Bench and overhead pressing days i do various kinds of loaded carries. Hex-bar, kettlebell carries, plate pinch carries whatever just pick something up and walk. On deadlift and squat days i push the prowler. I generally do light sprints one day and heavy pushes the next. I don’t plan this work so somedays its more and somedays its less.

Powerclean every-other week.

I add an extra day on Saturdays and do nothing but power-cleans. I added these two years and have had my deadlift and just overall “feeling good” sky rocket. I have found that power-cleaning on the first and last “deload” weeks works for me. I tend to go fucking heavy on these days like 8x2-3 for a max

Find time to get your shit in.

Someday i train at 3am, somedays i train at midnight. Whenever and wherever you can get it in do it. Alot of people suffer from fibromangina, stop making excuses. I have two kids, a wife, job and Army BS that i deal with everyday. Excuses and laziness and always trying to get me. Make your training fun and you will unlock 45 minutes of zen/relaxation everyday. Nothing is better that picking up 500lbs on a deadlift in your garage at 3am in the morning. that shit makees you feel right.

Again these are some things that i have observed and work for me. Just a few observations.

Lastly, thanks to Jim for posting on these board thanks for your time and this program.

Very inspiring. You really have figured out your way.

Impressive results. Consistency and effort trumps all. How do you set your cycles up? Eg 3-6 weeks of normal 531 then 3-6 weeks of pl version?

Very inspiring. The stuff you do is what I’d like to do also! I’m not in the army and know nothing about it, but that kind of training is what I’m looking for!


I will use the 3/5/1 powerlifting versions when I know I will have an extended amount of without doing morning Army PT sessions.

Here is what my template look like this cycle: I just got done with my Army PT test so im planning on improving my Bench this cycle.

Bench 5/3/1 / Super set with 5x pull ups
Bench 5 x 5 65% along with Red elite fts bands/ Super set with Pullups x5
Dips 5 x 8 with 80 lbs of weight
Rolling tricep extensions…whatever maybe 5x10
Loaded carries with trap bar: 315 for 20 x 20 yard carries

Squat 5/3/1
Front Squat 4 x 10 appx 50-70 depends on how I am feeling
Stiff leg Deads 5 x 10 225 lbs
Prowler push 20 reps at 90 lbs for speed

Wednesday Off/ play with kids, go for walk…do something with family outside.

Deadlift 5/3/1
Bent over rows 4 x 10 Super set with Kettle bell swing
Kroc rows 1 set to failure
Prowler/Kettlebell carries: load up the prowler with 6 x 45’s and go down 20 yards, pick up the 100lb KB’s and walk back. Do this for 10-15 reps

Military Press 5/3/1
Log press 5x5
Upright rows 4 x 10 ss with pull ups
Bench press 30% of 1RM max 10x5 super set with Skull crushers
Arm work if I am feeling goof

on the first and 1st and 4th week of the cycle I will go on a 10 to 25k road march with 45lbs.

On the second and third weeks I run one mile for time


eat,sleep recover

that is on cycle, it may or may not change just depending on what I have going on in my life


I will use the 3/5/1 powerlifting versions when I know I will have an extended amount of without doing morning Army PT sessions.

Here is what my template look like this cycle: I just got done with my Army PT test so im planning on improving my Bench this cycle.

Bench 5/3/1 / Super set with 5x pull ups
Bench 5 x 5 65% along with Red elite fts bands/ Super set with Pullups x5
Dips 5 x 8 with 80 lbs of weight
Rolling tricep extensions…whatever maybe 5x10
Loaded carries with trap bar: 315 for 20 x 20 yard carries

Squat 5/3/1
Front Squat 4 x 10 appx 50-70 depends on how I am feeling
Stiff leg Deads 5 x 10 225 lbs
Prowler push 20 reps at 90 lbs for speed

Wednesday Off/ play with kids, go for walk…do something with family outside.

Deadlift 5/3/1
Bent over rows 4 x 10 Super set with Kettle bell swing
Kroc rows 1 set to failure
Prowler/Kettlebell carries: load up the prowler with 6 x 45’s and go down 20 yards, pick up the 100lb KB’s and walk back. Do this for 10-15 reps

Military Press 5/3/1
Log press 5x5
Upright rows 4 x 10 ss with pull ups
Bench press 30% of 1RM max 10x5 super set with Skull crushers
Arm work if I am feeling goof

on the first and 1st and 4th week of the cycle I will go on a 10 to 25k road march with 45lbs.

On the second and third weeks I run one mile for time


eat,sleep recover

that is on cycle, it may or may not change just depending on what I have going on in my life

MarneSoldier, thanks for posting this. Like you, I have to make the time to lift. With my job and family, the best times for me are 4:30 am. I get tempted to stay in bed, let things slide, or say “tomorrow i will…”.

Nice to see another career/dad going after it.


Yes I completely agree, as fathers we get pulled in so many directions. We have to be the provider/disciplinarian for our children. It’s a very hard job especially nowadays when men are so demasculinezed. It almost a charge for me to set the example for my boys that when push comes to shove you need to honor your commitments. I’m curios Axis what does your program look like.