48 Year Old Decided to Get Lean

After 7 months and going from 200lbs to 155.6lbs. Pic taken today. Where do I go from here?selfie

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Congrats on an outstanding transformation.

That depends–where do you want to go?

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Basically, yep.

145 and shredded or 175 with bigger pecs, lats, arms, and legs? Which sounds better to you?

For context, how tall are you?

5’8" Want to be a bit bigger with lower fat%. Thinking of ~160 with 10 or 9% BF.

Thanks! Thought a pic would helped and finally got up the nerve to post one.

So you basically answered your own original question, “Where do I go from here?” That’s like a 4-6 month goal, so get after it and then assess where you are: Tip: How to Stay Lean and Still Build Muscle


Thanks! This was timely, I just ate a 2 pound pork roast … “eat lots of protein”. hahaha Slow cooked. Yum!

You look great, man. Not just for 48, for any age. If you genuinely came looking for constructive criticism, your shoulders could some work (based on the picture, I can’t 100% tell so correct me if I’m wrong). DB/cable/landmine laterals, overhead pressing, snatch grip high pulls, cleans, etc. Go after it. You have a great base.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. Shoulders are hard ro grow. Trying to do more work on them but in a calorie deficit, its harder. Will be bumping up my calories in a few weeks.

Great job.

Personal opinion, I think you need to gain LBM.

Good luck with that, lol.

I agree with you. I need more LBM. Do you think I won’t be able to?

He may be insinuating that either

  1. It’s hard to gain LBM without gaining fat
  2. People who get their physique as lean as yours are usually too worried about keeping their six pack to properly bulk

You can absolutely gain LBM. Just maybe everything that you gain won’t be lean. That’s fine, you’re obviously able to control your diet. Best of luck!

I think it is difficult, but not impossible.

So true.

Sort of in line with the first quote.

Your age is a challenge. I’m 54 so I am familiar with the challenge. I am also in love with my abs - not a six pack - and it’s difficult to gain muscle without gaining fat. It seems to be a never ending cycle of gain ten pounds, two or three are LBM, lose ten pounds, two or three are LBM.

Rinse, repeat.

You will just have to find out what works for you in terms of diet and training, and that is a lot harder when trying to gain LBM than when trying to lose weight.

I have no problem losing weight. I went from 195 to 175 last summer - but a lot of it was LBM and I just looked small.

I have also had no problem going back to 195 this winter, most of it was not LBM.

And, I am enhanced (TRT).

So, you can do it, you just have to figure out what works for you.

Start a log, I’d definitely be in for the follow.

And, you look fucking great. You know the drill - some pecs, bigger guns, some caps, all would be welcome - for you and me both!


Thanks for the explanation. As you said, I will have to try and see what works. I will start a log :slight_smile:

Time to dial in the diet and training and start putting on some lean mass. especially in the chest

Did you ever start a log?