41yr Old, Diagnosed with Low T = 122, High Prolactin

TRT has not impact on your prolactin issue and vice versa.

Please read these stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Your case suggests primary hypogonadism with prolactin dampening the then expected LH/FSH increase.

FSH and LH should be tested together. If FSH is strong and LH low, this opens up the possibility that there is a FSH secreting testicular cancer. Do not want to miss such diagnostic opportunities. Another way to catch that is to start TRT which shuts off pituitary LH/FSH and then if FSH does not go to zero, a cancer is suspected.

50mg T cyp/eth self injected twice a week
0.5 mg anastrozole at time of injection, wait one week to start
hCG 250iu SC EOD
ALWAYS do labs halfway between injections

Above should improve insulin sensitivity and cholesterol. Exercise will burn triglycerides.

Prolactin is released at time of orgasms and hugging puppies and babies. Allow 48 hours for lab work.

Prolactin secreting adinoma can be shrunk and managed, not cured, with 0.5mg/week Dostinex/cabergoline. MRI can visualized adinoma, but if not seen, may be just too small. A cabergoline trial can be useful. Prolactin lowers suppresses HPTA can can lead to mood/depression issues.

fasting cholesterol
fasting glucose
Vit-D25 or just take 5000iu Vit-D3 per day
AM cortisol - affects energy levels

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