405*30 Close Grip Bench Press

This is some serious strength right here:

What about your personal feats of strength?

Although there’s not a terribly strong correlation between what one lifts in the gym and how he performs on the table, I thought some might be interested in hearing a few past feats of strength:

Closed grip bench press: 225 x 154, 315 x 65 and 405 x

  • Hammer Strength bench press: 745 x 1, 495 x 30

  • One-armed row: 275 x 30, 385 x 2.

  • Standing behind the neck press: 405 x 5.

  • Side lateral raise: 120 x 4

  • Standing one armed dumbbell curl: 145 x 9

  • E-Z bar curl: 255 x 16

  • Dumbbell wrist curl: 210 x 10, 120 x 100.

  • Fly Machine: 100 reps with full stack of 200

  • One-armed dumbbell preacher curl (half reps): 240 x 6

  • One armed dumbbell preacher curl (partials): 210 x 80

  • Hammer Strength shoulder press negatives: six 100 pound plates plus 260-pound spotter pulling down with all his weight.

  • Pull-up negatives: (broke dipping belt and got kicked out of the university weight room after attempting 400 pounds).

Since my injury, I no longer train in that sort of way and specialize in mostly hand, wrist, and arm training now – often a mix including lighter weight and improved form and a wider variety of exercises.


I balanced an 18 wheeler on my chin, yesterday. Check me out.

947 penis curls with and 88 pound kettelbell.

[quote]Mike Sullivan wrote:
947 penis curls with and 88 pound kettelbell.[/quote]

I don’t know how this converts, but I did 471 penis curls with a 92 pound kettlebell.

Oh, and I’d personally like to congratulate DB on doing a kegel with a 45lb plate in his vagina.


Oh my, you gotta check out the website…

Wooooo Hooooo!!! Were those the Buffalo Bills pants??

He tore his pec after a 16 week cycle of… wait for it…


Damn that stuff is more dangerous every day.


I squated 1300 pounds raw for 100 reps

but I dont do that any more I try to stick to the basic compound movements

calf raises
concentration curls
and wrist curls

Im also cutting I reached a max weight of 130 and I looked like a fat slob tryen to get back down to a athletic 95 pounds

this is a joke right?

[quote]longshanks wrote:
This is some serious strength right here:

What about your personal feats of strength?

Although there’s not a terribly strong correlation between what one lifts in the gym and how he performs on the table, I thought some might be interested in hearing a few past feats of strength:

Closed grip bench press: 225 x 154, 315 x 65 and 405 x

  • Hammer Strength bench press: 745 x 1, 495 x 30

  • One-armed row: 275 x 30, 385 x 2.

  • Standing behind the neck press: 405 x 5.

  • Side lateral raise: 120 x 4

  • Standing one armed dumbbell curl: 145 x 9

  • E-Z bar curl: 255 x 16

  • Dumbbell wrist curl: 210 x 10, 120 x 100.

  • Fly Machine: 100 reps with full stack of 200

  • One-armed dumbbell preacher curl (half reps): 240 x 6

  • One armed dumbbell preacher curl (partials): 210 x 80

  • Hammer Strength shoulder press negatives: six 100 pound plates plus 260-pound spotter pulling down with all his weight.

  • Pull-up negatives: (broke dipping belt and got kicked out of the university weight room after attempting 400 pounds).

Since my injury, I no longer train in that sort of way and specialize in mostly hand, wrist, and arm training now – often a mix including lighter weight and improved form and a wider variety of exercises.

Meet Armwrestling Champion Garrett Stepsis [/quote]

Did you forget to mention you’re 14ft tall and ate Paul Bunyans blue ox to move that weight? How many times can you close grip 550? How 'bout regular grip 1,000lbs? You’re the coolest!!!


Bill Brasky!!!

From the interview:
“In October of 1999, I tore my left pec after a 16-week cycle of Creatine”

Yeah, I hurt my back after a 52 week-cycle of water.

[quote]UtahLama wrote:
Mike Sullivan wrote:
947 penis curls with and 88 pound kettelbell.

I don’t know how this converts, but I did 471 penis curls with a 92 pound kettlebell.[/quote]

You need to take into account the length of the penis to do an accurate conversion of the actual work done.

Work done = final kinetic energy - starting kinetic energy

so …

work = force x distance

Utahlama work = (4.45 Newtons/pound) x 92 pounds x 471 reps x 1 = 192827.4 Joules

Utah has a 12 inch long Johnson=1 ft
Sully has a 8 incher= 0.67ft

Sully work = 4.45 x 947 x 88 x .67ft = 248466.3 Joules

As you can see I did considerably more total work.
I did my reps EDT style in a 20 minute pr zone.

Lama did his as one continuous HIT session in 10 minutes

and since power = work / time
Lama power = 192827.4 Joules / (10min x 60sec/min) = 321.379 W

Sully power = 248466.3 Joules / 1200 = 207.55 Watts

While I generated more total energy Utahlama’s was more intenses

I tore my creatine after a 16 week cycle of my left pec.

Oh, wait, that doesn’t make any sense.

More Buffalo Bills Zubaz, please.

Ditka by 7.

I deadlift Hummers for lower body endurance training. My best is 63 reps but I just got bored at that point and moved on to penis push-ups on my 10 inch cock.

[quote]Deinabolic wrote:
Ditka by 7.[/quote]


That was damn funny