374lbs, Looking to Change My Life Before My 32 BDay

Thanks for the shoutout, @anon50325502. And my transformation is still ongoing. Definitely not done, not even close.

@tokarev You have a lot of work to do. First you need to relax and accept the fact that your condition will not change overnight. Also understand that I don’t really care about your feelings. I care about your success, which is why I’m taking the time to write this out. Your feelings can fuck off, and the sooner you start to think this way, the sooner you can get a handle on your feelings and start to see real progress.

In very simple terms, you need to eat less crap and move more. I would also recommend beginning weight training immediately, and give it greater priority than cardio. We can go into more detail on this stuff later.

For the bigger picture, you need to start changing the way you think about yourself, your personal capabilities and your relationship with food. I’ve written about my mindset before, and you might find it applies to your situation too. Advice for Stronger Willpower to Fight Food Cravings/In General - #9 by twojarslave

I’m going to call bullshit on that. You can definitely improve on fried chicken, fries, subs, tv dinners and all of that garbage you listed. You can definitely improve on your workout plan. You can improve on simply being a consistent gym-goer. You can probably improve on just about every aspect of your life that will influence your body composition outcome. Don’t tell me you are trying your best when you are not. You said it with your words. Man up.

I’m not saying this to beat you up. I’m saying this to shine a light on the fact that you have tremendous room to improve. This is a good thing. It just means progress is well within your reach.

Now, to answer your specific questions.

Sorry, I can’t answer this. Cardio is not something I have a great deal of experience with. I can tell you about lifting though, and why it is vastly superior for long-term changes in body composition.

Most of what you listed. Strive to eat unprocessed meat, vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed carbs like potatoes and rice. You know, “real food”. If you don’t already know, LEARN HOW TO COOK. Let me repeat that. DEVELOP YOUR COOKING SKILLS.

This comes when you make progress. You will look and feel better. Much better.

No. Just work hard.

Yes, start lifting now. You are not a pussy, you just made a series of bad choices that landed you in a bad spot. You are a goddamn animal, descended from ruthless savages who had to fight to survive. Start to act like it. Pick up a barbell and move it with heart and purpose. Fuck anyone who wants to shit on you for doing it. They don’t matter. Show them. Show them all.

I hope you found this helpful, and feel free to ask more questions. You can do this, but you have to want to make the right choices.

Best regards,
