33, Low T, Trying to Find Cause and Best Treatment Option

Is that calculation based on your experience or is there a sticky/study you could point me to explaining how that works in detail. Id like to have some backup to bring to my appointment assuming an adjustment is necessary.

The clinic is Revive Low T and they have 3 locations in the Seattle area. It takes me about two hours with traffic to get to any of their offices from where I live and they were very accommodating of that. I had two separate sets of blood-work sent to them in advance and they were able to start treatment the same day. I received my prescription at my morning appointment, filled it, and was able to be seen again later in the day to go over how to administer everything which saved me a second trip battling Seattle traffic. As I mentioned above, my insurance will be covering my prescriptions but they work with a compounding pharmacy for patients that aren’t covered and the pricing sounded pretty reasonable.

FYI, I put my weekly dose of anastrozole in a 1ml syringe with a blunt tip by pulling out the plunger, sucked up .75ml of 189 proof Everclear, and it dissolved completely over night. I plan on dosing 3 times a week on the days after injections. God Everclear is horrible stuff. Maybe after tax season I’ll try a nice aged scotch…