28, 3 Weeks Into TRT. Initial Labs

Please read these links found here: About the T Replacement Category

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • thyroid basics explained - check oral body temperatures as suggested

Many low-T guys here have thyroid issues, often because they were not using iodized salt.

That iodine supplement looks OK. If the taste bothers you, find Iodoral at amazon.
Iodine supplements lead to higher TSH and that can be misleading.

Low thyroid function robs your energy and causes weight gain.
Starvation diets can create problems!

Suggest that you self inject twice a week to get steadier levels. Use #29 0.5ml [50iu] 1/2" insulin needles and inject SC or IM, whatever seems more comfortable. SC does avoid decades of muscle damage.

Your lab targets are high normal TT [900-100], high normal FT, E2 near E2=22pg/ml

“TSH: 4.250 low (0.450-.0450)”
should be
TSH 4.25 HIGH [.5 - 4.5]?
Last thyroid labs are not bad, body temperatures are needed

LH oddly high.
After been on TRT for a while, test LH/FSH one time. These should trend towards zero, if not, a tumor or adinoma is suspected.

Test prolactin again, it is getting to be a concern as this can be from a pituitary adinoma.