27m, DEAD Libido and ED Although Free T is Very High

Hey guys! Any luck? I’m in a similar situation. Almost exactly!

Hey Parkit, nestoit has found some things that works for him. I didnt have alot of success so far. I am in contact with nestoit via the Telegram Messenger App. Do you have Telegram? Or Reddit? So we can talk a bit.

How can we connect there? I have made similar experiences.

You’re on a discussion forum right now. You can talk here.

@nestoit @normanintherain, can you explain what those things were?

@Parkit11 @mindphaser , nestoit has found out that lifting weights helps him alot. Also a vegetarian diet helps him, eating alot of eggs and dairy.
But that’s not working for me. Nestoit also didn’t have such massive libido issues as I have. So if you are in the same boat as me, and have almost no libido and can’t get aroused anymore, then I doubt you can fix this just by working out and changing your diet.

So @Parkit11 @mindphaser , I would like to know how similar our situations really are and if our symptoms are identical.
Do you also have almost no lidibo, even if not having an orgasm for a few days/weeks?
Are you still sometimes able to get a medium full erection, or maybe sometimes a full erection?
If yes, how much aroused do you feel when you get that erection?
And how intense are you orgasms compared to when things were fine? (I assume you dont have these problems all your life).
What about hormones? Have you checked all relevant stuff: Testosterone, free Testosterone, SHBG, Estradiol, Prolactin, LH, FSH? If yes, are those hormones at least somewhat near normal ranges?

So the suggestion is eating eggs to raise cholesterol, if I understand this correctly. But your testosterone levels are pretty high, so I don’t see how this would be able to help you anyway. I am on a vegan diet for many years and my total cholesterol was 133 (HDL 30, LDL 86) the last time I tested it. I was wondering before if these levels provide sufficient amounts of cholesterol for testosterone production. Somewhere a doctor said that below 140 you may run into issues but low cholesterol is an area you generally don’t find much info about.

My libido is low but sometimes it seems ok. Something is off and I am trying to find out what it is. My TT is 332, FT is 7.670 ng/dl. My other numbers:

HGB A1C: 5.1%
eAG: 100 mg/dL
FT4: 1.23 ng/dL (0.62-1.57)
TSH: 1.509 mcIntUnits/mL (0.350-5.500)
TSH (Thy Stim Horm): 1.815 mInt-unit(s)/mL (0.450-5.330)
Vit B12: 344 pg/mL (180-914)
VitD 25OH: 68 ng/mL (20-100)
Test Total: 332 mg/dL (180-827)
Free Test Calc: 7.670 ng/dL (2.000-14.000)
Free Test %: 2.31% (1.45-3.21)
SHBG: 25 nMol/L (10-57)

Did you ever test and post your Estrogen???

@mindphaser , i think we have alot different situations. My libido NEVER is ok. It’s always extremely low for me. I am completely unable to get aroused, even if I manage to get a full erection.

My latest bloodtest from February 2019:

Hormone ____ Range

LH 6.4 ____ 1.7 - 8.6
FSH 9.4 ____ 1.5 - 12.4
Estradiol 12.4 ____ 11.3 - 43.2
Prolactin 5.4 ____ 4.1 - 15.2
Testosterone 19.8 ____ 8.64 - 29.00
Free Testosterone 10.3 ____ 8.7 - 54.7
SHBG 73.2 ____ 18.3 - 54.1
Free Androgen-Index (I dont know if it translates to that in english, in german it’s called “Freier Androgenindex”) … 27.0 ____ 45-75

My doc said to this: My SHBG is definitly too high here, but considering my prior blood tests were somewhat okay, we can say that hormones are not my main cause of such a dead libido.
My hormones would explain a low libido, but not a dead one.

Oh, somehow I thought your FT was pretty high which it clearly is not. Your low FT is caused by your high SHBG. I am curious if raising FT would fix your issue.

I think that dht or dhea can help with erections.

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I mirror your symptoms to a T!

Your FT is being decimated by your high SHBG.

Your Estradiol is too low.

Sorry to disagree, buy my NON medical opinion says that your HORMONES ARE the reason for dead libido. You need to LOWER SHBG and raise ESTRADIOL.

In my personal situation, I have insanely high SHBG and had almost undetectable Estradiol, which is not normal. I needed danazol to lower SHBG (although proviron might work for you).

Everyone here will tell you to get on TRT to reduce SHBG. I suggest you try to reduce it before getting on TRT. That gives you two opinions.

Here is my story.


Just a friendly suggestion. Start your own thread. Post your blood work. Read the stickies. Then you might get people posting to help you.

@Parkit11 are your hormone levels similar to mine? And have you tried improving your hormones with TRT or something else?

Hey Norman, how can I contact you? I’m having a similar issue and wanted to talk to you to see if we could figure this out

27yrs old here, also having the same issues with ED, lowered libido, low cholesterol, soft stool.

I do have low T, but TRT didnt help me. I am convinced that there’s something else going on. I would really like to communicate with some of you

What are your SHGB / (free) Testosterone / E2 / etc. values?

Message me on reddit https://www.reddit.com/user/NormanInTheRain
or email: normanintherain@topmail-files.de