23, Suspect Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Need Advice

Is there iodine+selenium in multi-vits?
Selenium essential with iodine replenishment.

Have you read these stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • thyroid basics
  • finding a TRT doc

Where are you? - affects your medical and diagnostic options.
Are you covered for these many labs?

Labs should include:
prolactin - assuming that LH/FSH will be low
fasting glucose
fasting cholesterol
AM cortisol - at 8AM
DHEA-S [added October 6th]
fT4 - please not T3, T4
rT3 - may need to fight to get that tested

prolactin can lower LH/FSH and T.
Any loss of width of peripheral vision? Should be near 180 degrees.

Prolactin can promote gyno. If elevated, a MRI can check to see if a prolactin secreting pituitary adinoma can be seen. Easily managed with 0.5mg/week Dostinex/cabergoline; so don’t panic. Prolactin is released during orgasms and hugging babies, puppies and kittens, so avoid for at least 48 hours before labs.

Do not be dehydrated for fasting labs, drink water. No black coffee or tea as caffeine may mess with cortisol levels. Try to be relaxed and not be pissed off with traffic jambs etc.

Are problems sudden onset or something that developed slowly?
Any blows to the head preceding this?

Your life has [had] a lot of stress, long commute and 12 hour shift work. This can wear down your adrenal glands and often young males will drive through low energy and do workouts with sheer will power and adrenalin when older guys with same labs would be disabled. This adrenalin driven life can make things worse then then thing break with adrenal fatigue. Too soon to guess where you are in that spectrum. Dealing with deaths also stresses the adrenals. Please see references to stress, rT3, adrenal fatigue and Wilson’s book in the thyroid basics sticky.

Thyroid hormone fT3 controls mitochondrial production of ATP inside your cells, regulating cellular energy levels as part of body temperature control loop. So very important. rT3 blocks fT3.

Vit-D25 is an essential hormone made from Vit-D3. Please take 5,000iu Vit-D3, find tiny oil based capsules. You could test Vit-D25 later on. You need to make sure that you are firing on all hormone cylinders as part of your recovery as any single gap could create a weak link.

Were you not using iodized salt?
If not, others in your home could be affected as well.