2020 Presidential Race

Can we even rely on capital letters to signify importance anymore though?

Capital letters are a clear micro-aggression when directed at women and minorities.


You need to have a teenage girl interpret Trump’s tweets.

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Sounds like a job for AOC.


What if they’re both speaking some weird foreign language that only people like them understand?

That’s why Sarah Sanders looks so fuckin tired all the time. Imagine having to run all those briefings through some kinda translator every day


I think he may have meant it in the same way the losing team trails the winning team.

Regardless, I can’t think of a reason why Americans should be bothered by what he said. American Indians were opponents of United States greatness(didn’t some tribes even own slaves?). Therefore, the Trail of Tears was entirely justifiable.

I hope you’re trolling. Because that’s the same racist crap Ayn Rand said.


Not trolling. It’s how we justify the war in the mid-1800s, so why shouldn’t it justify the Trail of Tears? Hell, did Indian tribes even exist before, or separately from, the United States? The States didn’t come into being until after the United States, so I am not sure.

Make America March Again!

I thought you were a libertarian.

Justification does not equal right and justification does not mean we can’t be bothered by it. Dropping an atom bomb on Hiroshima can be justified but if the thought of people dying because of it doesn’t bother you then I pity you.

Also, if a race of people can be exterminated because they are an inconvenience, then why can’t a woman abort a fetus that is an inconvenience?

Finally, when you make comments on a subject and then admit your ignorance afterward, isn’t that being a bit of a backwards ass?


are you suggesting that one never admits their ignorance?

I’m suggesting that if you are aware that you don’t know much on a given subject, you should refrain from making conclusions and comments which require that you know more than you do.

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That’s not what you said though…you’re all over the map

image https://i.imgur.com/35Tr5OM.png

Democrats or Republicans if you want to win just run my man.

No, that is what I said. And to give you an example I would bring up a real moron, who has managed to turn her stupidity into wealth, Candace Owens. Her comments on Hitler reveal that she knows almost nothing about him but why should she let that stop her?

What the fuck dude.


It’s way more likely that Trump knows nothing about it than something. We are talking about history, not the McDonalds menu.

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Would you mind pointing out where I did that?

It’s #murica logic.