2020 Predictions

Argue with his campaign page, I guess.

No…argue with reality.

A LOW estimate is that there is an estimated 600 million-PLUS assorted guns, rifles and small arms in circulation in the U.S…

Joe Biden won’t be taking away anything anytime soon…and he doesn’t have a lot of years left.

It was a bullshit question that set Biden off.

The question you quoted was, “Why do you want to take away my guns?” WANT. Not “Can.”

The actual statement was, “You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns.”
-The policies outlined on the linked page certainly violate the Second Amendment and take away a lot of guns. So, Biden IS trying to do what he was accused of trying to do.

C’mon, @NickViar

That question was asked to get under Biden’s skin…(and it did).

I doubt that guy is losing sleep at night thinking that Biden is really going to take away a damn thing.

Watch gun and ammo prices after the first “tragedy” involving guns following Biden’s inauguration(and possibly following just his election), should he win. That’ll tell you whether people really believe he’s “going to take away a damn thing.”

Oh…I’m not going to argue with you that the gun and ammo manufactures always are hoping for a Democratic win (and privately) a mass shooting.

Raise prices and increase sales without spending a cent more…without one weapon being taken out of circulation! (With the exception of maybe that of the shooter…which is probably replaced by 10 more).

Must be nice!


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So, it’s your belief that Democrat politicians are playing, like, 5D chess to help out gun and ammo manufacturers?
“We’ll tell them that we’ll take their gun rights away so that demand will go up and allow you to increase your prices. To make the deception even harder to detect, we’ll need you guys to buddy up with Republicans and support them. And the NRA and GOA will need to endorse our opponents to shore up votes for our opponents. It’ll be great.”
Maybe. But that’s a little too conspiracy theory-ish for me.

I do. I think it’s interesting that he responded so strongly to something that could have been so easily dismissed, and wonder what else might be a bullshit question.

Like, what if a world leader or high ranking diplomat asks him some “bullshit question” during trade talks, peace negotiations, etc.

A few of these incidents actually make The Stable Genius look like a stable genius by comparison.

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Well, this pair aged like milk, haha.


Goes to show how predictions can be way off, @mattjp! They are fun games for discussion; but that’s about all.

As many alluded to in the past; Trump could have gotten on TV (FOX of course!); and killed puppies in the middle of a Hannity interview; and the economy still would have improved.

I think that probably what is most frustrating for Trump (even though I think that there have been times that he tried); he can’t tweet himself or blame others out of this one.

That being said…I still think he wins.

And call it what you want, @NickViar…a DEM wins the Whitehouse and/or there is a mass shooting=gun and ammo demand and prices go up.

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I still think this happens…as he waves his dick at COVID-19 in defiance…

That was my take on it as well, especially considering all of the tough guy talk when backed by a security detail. That irritates me on a fundamental level as a man. I don’t mind strong feelings and even the idea of “consequences” or threat of consequences for using the wrong words, insults, etc. I’m generally past all of that at this point in my life, ready to walk away in most cases, but I can understand being ready to go to blows over something important or a matter of honor.

This wasn’t that, and Biden wouldn’t act that way if there was any real danger of “consequences”. It was a perfectly legitimate question from a dude who could be affected by a candidate’s policy. There’s nothing bullshit about that, but there was plenty of bullshit in the way Biden reacted to it.

You didn’t think they could find a worse candidate than Hillary, yet here we are. Who knows though, we haven’t seen a lot from her lately. She could be in even rougher shape than she was during the last election.

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HEY! He stood up to CornPop!

Which is probably why I won’t Vote for President for the first time since I was able to Vote. And if Warren or Bernie are the VP? That seals the deal.

Color me skeptical on that little anecdote.

Biden’s got fake tough guy written all over him. You get to know the type really well working in the bar security industry. Now that I think about it, you get to know some other sides of the type working in white collar corporate America too. I worked for some real spineless cretins over the years. I think it brings out bad character traits when your only source of personal strength is your ability to fire someone.

I couldn’t imagine being a guy who talks to other people like a he’s a badass and then hides behind a security detail. Must suck to be Biden.

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And nothing Trump does irritates you fundamentally as a man?

(This is getting tiresome…!)

And Trump doesn’t?

Not on that level, but I’ve not heard him issue any challenges a’la Biden, or talk to regular people like he’s ready to whoop their ass. That falls under Dude Code 101 stuff for me.

Grab 'em by the pussy was a crass comment, for sure, but probably accurate. Being a local bar worker can get you tons of easy pussy, I could only imagine what being a billionaire must be like. It might get annoying after a while. Women are also filthy pigs, prone to sexual depravity the likes of which few can imagine. Just like men.

Maybe Trump has and I’ve missed it. That kind of behavior isn’t how I expect my son to act, even though he gets a ton of tail thrown at him too. Being a hockey stud in a hockey town is all that’s necessary for that to happen, even a year removed from such sports glory. It’s not all fun and games either, there’s a lot of bad women out there with bad intentions towards my kid.

I put candid talk about womens’ voluntary sexual expression around billionaire men in a much different category of behavior than the public footage of Biden creeping on little girls.

And to be clear, I’m not raising my kid to act anything like Trump. I don’t find many of his personal characteristics to be worth modeling.

My commentary was more specific to Joe acting hard, or anyone with a security detail, for instance. That’s strait-up chump behavior whether you’re a presidential candidate or a local chump hiding behind your boys.

Disqualifying, IMO!

So “whataboutism” is OK if it is to one’s advantage, but not ok if you’re simply pointing out facts or making legitimate comparisons?

I never could get clear on when it was OK or when it wasn’t, when it actually is whataboutism, or when it’s just taking shots at Obama, Hillary, Biden,…

Oh, now I get it.

Never mind.

The whataboutism game is fun to play when it comes to politicians.

Why doesn’t Dan Crenshaw act like that in public (or private, seemingly)? That’s because he CAN whoop your ass and actually kill you in many different ways. Joe Biden is a dangerous man, for sure. So is Trump. Anyone with that much wealth and influence is dangerous. That’s not the same as being skilled in violence.

America is ready for a man skilled in violence to lead us. I’ve gotten to know many men skilled in violence, and I think it brings out character qualities that you can’t get elsewhere. It certainly helps with cutting through the bullshit and getting to the truth of a matter.