2 wk Cycle: Npp, Test Prop and Dbol

Only because I’m bored…

OP, since you are making a huge deal about anyone who has actually followed a 2 week protocol, I have. I did 3-4 consecutive 2 on/5 off.

And I will say the exact same thing the more experienced guys are telling you: you are 176 at 6 foot (or more), you don’t know how to eat and/or train. If you can’t gain off, you won’t gain on. Simple truth.

Fix your diet, fix your training, listen to the guys who came before you and know what the fuck they are talking about. Amazing how many newbs have trouble with this.

[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol in the most gear have you ran thread I just noticed you admitted to running a full gram of test hahahaha your resultsvare now twice as pathetic as I originally thought.[/quote]
i front loaded :smiley:

Technically, anyone who has done a longer cycle has done a 2 week cycle. That would be the first 2 weeks of their cycle.
technically not because u havnt come off at two weeks thats some dumb shit right there plus the protocols for a two week cycle and a long cycle are not the same if you was running a cycle with test prop for 8 weeks u telling me u would jab 100mg ED for 8-10 weeks bore off

also the pct protocols for two weekers are also not the same … boring

[quote]boatguy wrote:
Only because I’m bored…

OP, since you are making a huge deal about anyone who has actually followed a 2 week protocol, I have. I did 3-4 consecutive 2 on/5 off.

And I will say the exact same thing the more experienced guys are telling you: you are 176 at 6 foot (or more), you don’t know how to eat and/or train. If you can’t gain off, you won’t gain on. Simple truth.

Fix your diet, fix your training, listen to the guys who came before you and know what the fuck they are talking about. Amazing how many newbs have trouble with this.[/quote]

thanks for the reply if you read all the posts i have added i am still putting weight on also if im putting weight on how do your maths work out that i need to learn to diet that just does not make sense im just taking gear to simply speed things up because im an impatient fucker i dont see your problem with that everyone does it to a certain degree weather ur 90percent ur natural max size or 70 not that thats were i am .

im gaining off what are yous not getting ? i feel like u cant read IM GAINING OFF CYCLE (said very slowly for your brain )

i just want to get to my natural max quicker that is all

[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol in the most gear have you ran thread I just noticed you admitted to running a full gram of test hahahaha your resultsvare now twice as pathetic as I originally thought.[/quote]

ps twice the gear does not mean twice the results ! i thought wiht u being expierenced and all that you would know thats a dumb statement to make all newbs will be doing twice as much now for twice as much results shiiiiit

oh and i had a jab of prop this morning heheeh feels good my balls are trying to hide in my arsehole

[quote]farmarkcueticals wrote:

[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol in the most gear have you ran thread I just noticed you admitted to running a full gram of test hahahaha your resultsvare now twice as pathetic as I originally thought.[/quote]

ps twice the gear does not mean twice the results ! i thought wiht u being expierenced and all that you would know thats a dumb statement to make all newbs will be doing twice as much now for twice as much results shiiiiit [/quote]

steroids are dose dependent…

[quote]farmarkcueticals wrote:
oh and i had a jab of prop this morning heheeh feels good my balls are trying to hide in my arsehole [/quote]

You are fucken retarded I seriously think you have some mental disability. I think you are full of shit about everything you have ever said on this forum I doubt you could run a cycle to be honest I doubt you could operate a pair of socks fuck off I’m sick of reading your shit

“I doubt you could operate a pair of socks”

Fucking love it! I actually laughed out loud at that one.

I’m stealing that one. (Unless I forget it, which I probably will)

And OP, 176 at 6’2" is not ‘gaining off’. I was 175ish at 6’ before I fixed diet and training, and looked like an Ethiopian. And you said yourself you didn’t gain shit off a normal length test e and dbol cycle, so what makes you think you will suddenly gain in 2 weeks?

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]farmarkcueticals wrote:

[quote]Reed wrote:
Lol in the most gear have you ran thread I just noticed you admitted to running a full gram of test hahahaha your resultsvare now twice as pathetic as I originally thought.[/quote]

ps twice the gear does not mean twice the results ! i thought wiht u being expierenced and all that you would know thats a dumb statement to make all newbs will be doing twice as much now for twice as much results shiiiiit [/quote]

steroids are dose dependent…[/quote]



I just gave up after that statement

[quote]kenny-mccormick wrote:
to be honest I doubt you could operate a pair of socks fuck off I’m sick of reading your shit[/quote]

This line makes me feel like I hadn’t completely wasted my time reading this beyond fucktarded thread :smiley: Thank you Kenny!