2 Weeks Out From 1st Novice (Natty) Bodybuilding Show with UKDFBA


Solid physique, but I can’t lie, you should be a LOT tighter at 2 Weeks out. I’ve known some amazing UK BBers, luckily you’re doing novice.

First show? Thoughts on doing more? Preps can change peoples minds from what they initially thought the experience would be like.


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Hi Stu, thanks for the feedback! Let me chime in on some my thoughts so far!

It is indeed my first show. In terms of my thoughts about competing in general and in the future, I will be honest with you, as a PT, someone who loves health and fitness and parents who have competed all their lives here in the UK in bodybuilding, I have to say, I am not sure whether the competitive side of bodybuilding is actually for me. I guess growing up surrounded by family members (mother, father and sister) who have all competed, made me curious about doing it myself! I might compete again, but probably not for a few years. I really need more time to build myself up.

Over the last few months, the experience has been mixed - lots of ups and downs, sacrifices have been made and other aspects of life which have taken a large backside (relationships, travel, social, and even having the energy/motivation to work on my own fitness projects). I have had a very supporting partner of course, but a lot of things we havent been able to do and I am looking forward to resuming those things with her again.

I guess part of me wanted to compete because 1) Maybe as a career path alongside my current PT and teaching. Doing online coaching for first time competitors. However, given the process and experience I have went through these last 4/5 months, I am not sure I can 100% full believe in it myself! 2) Having family members competed in multiple shows, I guess the influence rubbed off on me and 3) for the experience. I certainly dont expect to go and win my first show but I also dont expect to make a fool of myself.

I actually posted some progress pics on reddit and people have actually been telling me I still have about 10 pounds to lose before I am stage ready, which, I will be honest, kind of has me worried (a little sick in the stomach actually!). I dont have a coach, but my mother who has been checking in with me and helping with posing says that I am pretty much there! She also said that she wouldent let me step on stage if I was about to make a fool of myself or I was behind. So I am not sure what to think at the moment with two weeks to go. I thought at least for a novice competition I was bringing a respectable package at this point.

What are your thoughts Stu? This is the internet so I guess you can expect a huger number of responses you dont expect!


lol,yeah, well I wouldn’t put much faith in the “Experts” who spend their time on reddit. I’ve seen some folks on there absolutely adamant about this and that and yet it’s usually something that 99.9% of everyone else even remotely involved in the fitness industry all the way to the actually educated and experienced experts agree on the opposite position.

You look good, very good, and I’m sure your family wouldn’t give you bad advice. Have you been to any drug tested shows lately? The level of conditioning has been absolutely insane the last 5-8 years. There’s no other way than to stress that it’s a level that requires being pretty unhappy to achieve.

Now, like I mentioned earlier, it’s a Novice division you’;re going into, so I don’t know if you’re gonna be banging against serious Wnbf level conditioned athletes,… but you never really know. My first show, I knew I needed a bit more size in a few areas, but having decided to compete anyway (because who knew I’d actually be decent at this silly sport?), I made sure I was as unhappily-shredded as I could achieve in the time I had.

You’ve got 2 weeks to make yourself unhappy -lol. Obviously I have no clue what your previous plan has been, what your rate of movement has been week to week, but if you really want to find me off the site, I’d love to hear what you’re doing at this very moment, and maybe I can throw a few suggestions your way.

All in all, remember that it’s supposed to be a good, and fun experience, so don’t let anything ruin that for you.


Here, this was my very first contest waaaay back when. I knew my chest sucked (it got much better the next few years), but damn if I didn’t suffer knowing I didn’t want to be the “why is that guy even up there?” Competitor in the lineup -lol



@weightliftingwithoutlimits congratulations on diving in and nearing the first show!

To echo @The_Mighty_Stu, I agree while you have a great foundation, for a bodybuilding show you should be tighter by now, guessing 7-10lbs. When I did my first show, I started at 165, and assumed by 150 I’d be shredded. I went on stage at 148 my first year, and was very lean, but not bodybuilding lean. My second year came in 8lbs lighter at 140, and my legs still had a pound or two to go. To really get that lean takes a lot of sacrifice, serious knowledge and a great coach. I had @The_Mighty_Stu coach me, and from that, and my own experience, have learned to coach others. Getting to 4-5% body fat without a coach, especially as a natural, is nearly impossible. There’s a fine line between digging as hard as needed, and digging too deep.

For a novice competition, I think it’s safe to say you will not make a fool of yourself. IMO the goal of the first show is to look like you belong up there, at least to not look like you don’t. You’re not in that place, you’ll have a good first showing. To really be competitive, there’s more to go. If you enjoy the experience, now is a perfect time to get a coach on board to evaluate your current program, and help dial you in to really be a threat.

Any updates?


Hey guys,

Thanks for the kind words and feedback! @robstein and @The_Mighty_Stu.

Sorry for the lack of updates!

Just thought I would update you guys

Hi guys! Quick update to this last post 2 weeks ago.

So I thought I would share the photos with you - night before comp all tanned and ready to go (still waiting for show day pics). NIGHT BEFORE SHOW PHOTOS

Unfortunately, it as a tough novice class - with 5 other guys. Out of all the previous regional shows this year I had seen for this class at the UKDFBA, this regional novice show had by far the toughest competition of them all. When I stood there with the guys, I knew this was over for me before it began. Just my luck! I have to be honest, they certainly looked like they had a few years more over me in terms of gaining quality mass. They didn’t look typical novices (as did many other people judges/spectators think so as well). For a novice, I actually felt out of place on this occasion which I guess is every competitors nightmare on stage! (hopefully I will have some more photos up soon with the others), but, I made the mistake of not having a proper off season before going into this.

How do I feel about the competitive aspect? Well, truthfully, I don’t think it is something for me. As a personal trainer and educator, I love the gym to build my body and I love to inspire and educate my clients to help them build theirs. But from a competitive aspect, the ball game changes entirely. If you do wish to compete regularly and be good at it, it does need to be your primary goal, and you need to LOVE THE PROCESS of the prep (something which I didn’t really enjoy and by the end of it all, I just literally stalled - both physically and mentally. In fact, by the end, I think I regressed and looked my best at 6 weeks out). A few of the guys I was competing with said they would be completely lost after this because for them, competing is and wants to be their life.

Realistically, I needed a proper off season to grow, then cut down, but I guess I wanted to get the experience and see how it would go.

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video just went up - I am at 34 minutes and start on the far RIGHT.

You should’nt have felt out of place,… but let’s face it, “Novice” simply means that you’ve never won a novice or open class, so you’ve always got guys who have never been onstage ever, as well as guys who have competed but always taken second.

You look good, but if I’m being completely frank, all that fidgeting and not being tensed the entire time didn’t do you any favors. The judges are always looking and assessing who they want to see, and the other guys are showing their wares while you’re dancing about and letting your legs go completely smooth. Now, is that fair? Nope! I won the Novice in my first ever contest but the judges didn’t even move me from the very end. So while I was fearing the worst, I still flexed my ass off and the judges did their jobs well.

No one really horribly outclassed you with either size or conditioning, BUT, you could have been better in terms of both. EVen without added size, I think you probably could have been fuller, and if you combine that with better posing, you’d be amazed how much better you could have been.

IT’s a rough sport, certainly not for everyone, but I always hope that no one has a genuinely bad experience. We all love the iron for one reason or another, so reaching the point where we think we won’t look like complete fools, means we’re pretty committed.

Going through a prep is a hell of an experience, and I tip my hat to anyone who can stick it out.