2 Time Per Week Workout?

Hi everybody!

Sorry for my english i’m writing from Poland, so this isn’t my everyday language - please forgive :slight_smile:

CT I’m wondering if what is the best workout template for someone who can go to the gym only 2 time per week for example in Monday and Thursday? My second problem is also rounded shoulder and kyphotic posture so my actual template look like this :

Monday :
A1. Overhead Squat 3 sets with 5 reps (2second on the bottom position in last rep 10second)
B1. Snatch grip high pull 5 sets with 5 reps
C1. Deadlift progression from your last article about short workout (5 rep - 85%, 1 rep - 90%, 1 - rep 92,5%, max rep with 60%)
D1. Military press progression from your last article about short workout
E1. Farmer walk 5x 1min

Thursday :
A1. Overhead Squat 3 sets with 5 reps (2second on the bottom position in last rep 10second)
B1. Snatch grip high pull 5 sets with 5 reps
C1. Bench press progression from your last article about short workout (5 rep - 85%, 1 rep - 90%, 1 - rep 92,5%, max rep with 60%)
D1. Pendlay row progression from your last article about short workout
E1. Farmer walk 5x 1min

Also in Tuesday and Friday i go do some chin ups and runing workouts (400m sprints). My goal is to make some muscle mass and fix rounded shoulder and kyphotic posture.

CT do you thing that in this situation i’m able to make progress and gain some mass?

[quote]Johny3108 wrote:
Hi everybody!

Sorry for my english i’m writing from Poland, so this isn’t my everyday language - please forgive :slight_smile:

CT I’m wondering if what is the best workout template for someone who can go to the gym only 2 time per week for example in Monday and Thursday? My second problem is also rounded shoulder and kyphotic posture so my actual template look like this :

Monday :
A1. Overhead Squat 3 sets with 5 reps (2second on the bottom position in last rep 10second)
B1. Snatch grip high pull 5 sets with 5 reps
C1. Deadlift progression from your last article about short workout (5 rep - 85%, 1 rep - 90%, 1 - rep 92,5%, max rep with 60%)
D1. Military press progression from your last article about short workout
E1. Farmer walk 5x 1min

Thursday :
A1. Overhead Squat 3 sets with 5 reps (2second on the bottom position in last rep 10second)
B1. Snatch grip high pull 5 sets with 5 reps
C1. Bench press progression from your last article about short workout (5 rep - 85%, 1 rep - 90%, 1 - rep 92,5%, max rep with 60%)
D1. Pendlay row progression from your last article about short workout
E1. Farmer walk 5x 1min

Also in Tuesday and Friday i go do some chin ups and runing workouts (400m sprints). My goal is to make some muscle mass and fix rounded shoulder and kyphotic posture.

CT do you thing that in this situation i’m able to make progress and gain some mass?

I honestly don’t like training programs with less frequency than 4 days a week. Can you make progress on the schedule you mentioned? Of course! At least you are hitting most muscles twice a week so if you are training hard and try to progress, then yeah you will gain muscle and strength. But I cannot say that you will gain as much as someone who could train 4 days + per week.

So, training 4 days a week but hitting each muscle group once (ie. monday - squat, tuesday bench, off wed, thursday - deadlift, friday - press) is less effective than two full body days where you hit all the muscle groups twice a week?

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
I honestly don’t like training programs with less frequency than 4 days a week. Can you make progress on the schedule you mentioned? Of course! At least you are hitting most muscles twice a week so if you are training hard and try to progress, then yeah you will gain muscle and strength. But I cannot say that you will gain as much as someone who could train 4 days + per week.

Hi thank’s for your reply. I understand that 2 days per week is not enought but i don’t have posibility to train often.
CT I wery like your traning method can you give mi some advise which of them will be the best in my sytuation and which give me the more stimulation?

CT what do you thing about make izometric workout on day’s when I can’t go to the gym?

What do you think is the best work schema and progresion method when someone can train only two times per week?

During rugby season I only “train” twice per week. Of course I have 2 practices and 1 game every week so I’m getting in a lot of conditioning work and GPP. But my in-season routine looks like this:

  1. Upper Body
    Bench Press 5x5
    Push-Press 5x5
    Pull-ups 10xMax

  2. Lower Body
    Squat 5x5
    Deadlift 5x5
    Abs 10x

But this program a what I consider a “maintenance” program. It keeps me from getting weaker during the season. If your looking to get stronger, like CT said it’s difficult on 2 days…