2 Days Per Week + Bodyweight


As of now I’m training one or two days per week, I’m boxing 4-5 days a week. The template I’ve been using is 5’s PRO FSL with 75 pusn, 75 pull, 75 SL/Core. The gist is, one main lift per day. So each big lift will be trained every 14th day.

I’m looking for some change, where I’ll do the big lifts and bodyweight assistance. Training max 2 days a week.

Would you rather;

2 lifts per day | 5’s pro on both, no suppelemental.

2 lifts per day | 531 original (PR set) on both, no suppelemental.

1 lift per day 531 original (PR set), no suppelemental.

All of the above with 100 reps of bodyweight assistance on Push, Pull and Single leg/core.

Will you be eating to gain, lose, or maintain weight during this time?

Generally speaking I’ll be maintaining. However, I may lose some weight unintentionally.