17 Weeks Into Daily IM Injections, Still Having Some Issues

That is the fear. Kinda like adding a turbo to a factory engine before it blows. So what killed it? The added pressure or the driver who pushed hard on the added pressure? Usually its both. Thats why after 50, you have lower the dose, you simply have to.

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For one most men in their prime and younger probably had 1k or higher. I can’t see how that’s not a obvious fact. There are studies showing men have much much lower T levels than recent ancestors. Yah yah I know what some will say… they read these studies and don’t realize the hidden motives behind the majority of studies in western society today.

Why does everyone look for the negative? They look for studies because they are looking for risks and negatives. Why don’t folks start trying to find the positive. There are so many positive findings found in studies, research and obvious scientific fact.

Shit my father is 75 years old and he has almost 600 total t and 15 free t. Should someone half his age really have 800 and 19 free t or something? It’s less than 1k trough? Also who said trough. Aren’t most on eod or daily? So that they don’t have to have big spikes as you mentioned?

And why not? I mean if I’m going to do TRT why wouldn’t I want maximum benefit. I don’t need 5k to achieve this, but I’m also not going to sell myself short.

For those who are scared of T I get it. Just stay on a low dose and TRT is good enough. Constantly donating blood and watching estrogen levels. Self analyzing libido , mood, sleep and doing daily logs. Yay what a life on TRT that is.

For me I know what T does for me and 1500+ Total and whatever free t levels I have are working just fine for me. After almost 2 years I have zero symptoms, cholesterol and blood pressure everything else is great. My libido is off the chain. I can’t stop attacking my wife … I’ve tied less just to see if it was enough for me. It wasn’t…

Everyone has a different need, but they should also shoot for maximum benefit if they are going to be on TRT for life. I bet this maximum benefit lies in the 1k+ range for most. That’s with normal shbg.

Why not?

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10 years ago max range was 1500. 2 years ago when I started it was 1250 or something w 25 free t or something. I’ll go with that range .