15 Year-Old's Training Mission

I don’t mean eating lard, by the way. Educated eating a lot (like knowing what is high in protein etc - pretty sure that’s taught by the time you’re fifteen?)

Hello again

Im just interested, how does everyone who posted critisising my  seeming lack in food eat.

Not trying to be cocky or anything but im guessing most follow high protien diets which in my opinion cause increased hunger. I for one enjoy my carbs and am not interested in taking in super high amounts of protien. 

Im sorry for offending everyone with my poor spelling and ‘baby’ eating habbits but i guess some people just arn’t as hungry as others.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
It’s the amounts that people are noticing and drinking a Yoohoo at 15 years of age is not going to kill the kid. His eating is extremely restrictive overall and considering he claims to be playing sports, it doesn’t seem like enough food intake. The goal on this board isn’t to get everyone to try to be the biggest “health nuts” on the block, but to also eat in a way that creates results. [/quote]

I think we’re getting away from the original point. I’ve simply been saying that the food plan he originally posted was not the worst in the world, but it still needed improvements. I didn’t mean to imply that he’s golden, and should simply keep doing what he’s doing.

He’s a kid (no offense, Herd), and kids drink Yoo-Hoo, they eat ice cream, they eat potato skins. I never said he shouldn’t, if anything, I only said he shouldn’t live off “junk food” like that.

I also agreed that since he’s trying to be more active (by doing cardio, which I still can’t understand), he needs to be eating even more. I’m all-for eating for results. But I believe it has to be realistically applied to an individual’s situation (in this case, a 15-year old recreational martial artist/rugby player. It’s not like he’s an All-State College athlete…yet)

Hi, not meaning to sound rude or anything, but do you have enough of a background in nutrition to make that kind of statement about protein? Again, I don’t pretend to, but most of the diets and plans I’ve read about - especially here - indicate that high protein diets will help you aims whatever they are (in a sporting sense…) Plus, at fifteen, and doing a lot of sports, you’ll need the protein. Carbs too, of course. But protein is always good.

The criticism of your writing isn’t intended - at least in my case - to be an attack on you. I just wanted to point out that you can make your cases a lot more clearly by using language properly. And it doesn’t hurt to get rid of a habit you seem to have already yourself identified as being immature.

Good luck with your goals, btw.

If you ask for advice from the people on this website, you better damn well be open and listen to it. You are young, (again, which you’ve showed by your lack of writing skills and hypersensitivity). You don’t have any where near the amount of knowledge and expertise that other people on this site do so shut up, drop the attitude and listen.

to hellinator… when you can do 1000 pusd ups… do a backflip… or pose for play girl… im still not sure what your goals are… listen to what is said to you… we are older then you and know our shit… you need to eat more for one thing… especially with all that cardio… but don’t listen to me or anyone else… cause you obviously have done plenty of research to your diet/training regime… you’ll probably quit in a few weeks like everyone else anyways

[quote]theherdinator wrote:

Not trying to be cocky or anything but im guessing most follow high protien diets which in my opinion cause increased hunger.[/quote]

Bravo, you just proved you have no clue regarding nutrition. Listen to the men who are posting on this thread. They are trying to help you, so make the most of it and stop being so defensive.

I for one enjoy my carbs and am not interested in taking in super high amounts of protien. [/quote]

Are you saying that we don’t enjoy our carbs? Listen dude, I don’t know what you mean by super high amount of protein- but if you don’t increase your current amount, you might as well stop exercising.

Im sorry for offending everyone with my poor spelling and ‘baby’ eating habbits but i guess some people just arn’t as hungry as others. [/quote]

The only one that seems offended is you, my friend. You don’t get hungry from one day to another. You BUILD your appetite, the same way you BUILD your body and muscles. It takes time. You eventually will feel hungry- that is if you stick to a good eating and training plan, not the pussy-foot stuff you have posted at the beginning of this thread.

Read, Learn & Apply.

(oh and while you’re at it, try getting rid of that attitude problem)

Good Luck.

What I don’t get is why do people post thing looking for comments, but then get all pissed off when they don’t like the comments. Apparently you already think everything you do is perfect, so why the hell even bother posting in the first place?!?

[quote]physicsmazz wrote:
What I don’t get is why do people post thing looking for comments, but then get all pissed off when they don’t like the comments. Apparently you already think everything you do is perfect, so why the hell even bother posting in the first place?!?[/quote]


I’ll say this, the kid isn’t eating “unhealty”, but he can bump up the calories. He shouldn’t worry so much about where the calories are really coming from at this point.
At 15 ask for a second serving on everything.

Im sixteen and heres what I eat
Breakfast-3 eggs,bacon,toast,banana
I bring a bag with 5 sandwiches and 2 apples to school. When I get home I eat another good size meal. Plus dinner and a post workout shake.
This guy must have the slowest metabolism on the planet. If I ate what he does I would be skin and bones after a month.

Kid, First of all: your workout plan sucks, go on this site and find one… theres even a plan with only bodyweight excersizes: http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459685

Second of all, I agree with many of the replies on here: You need to increase your food intake, greatly. You’re 15, eat anything for christ sake. It doesnt ALL have to be healthy. Where the hell did you hear (if you even did hear, instead of making it up) that high protein diets make you hungry? Casein is a slow digesting protein that does the exact opposite, it makes you feel fuller, longer. (which may not be in your best interest, but thats beside the point.) You may not be able to have the perfect diet, but you could at least try to ask your parents to buy more steak, cottage cheese, eggs, milk, natural peanut butter… Those kinds of foods. The more you eat of it, the more progress you’ll see.

Seriously, lose the attitude. You came to a site at 15 years old (which is good, by the way) asking for advice on your workout plan and diet, and we gave you your advice. It may not be what you wanted to hear, but its what you got, and its the truth, coming from older, smarter, and generally more informed people than yourself.

First: Listen to Prof X, his touch isn’t always that of a feather but he always has some F**king good points!

Second: I’m not entirely sure what your goals are, cutting or bulking, either way you’re not eating enough. The amount of exercise you do will take a lot from you and soon enough you’ll notice that you’ll feel hungrier/fatigued and when you do, eat more otherwise you will send your body in all sorts of disturbed disturbances!

Third: In terms of exercise, i can’t really see what you’re trying to achieve. What i mean is, are you trying to gain muscle? or lose fat?

ok thankyou i was being a d**k yesterday but hey we all have bad days anyway heres my day

skipping 30 mins 6am got bored after so went on my trampoline and busted a few backflips

breakfast- branflakes added some almonds just for a change tasted pretty good

i did 5 reps of 10 pullups and noticed there was actualy rust on my pull up bar i hadnt used it for so long

and 5 reps of 10 dips which i found pretty easy going for some reason

kinda ran out of time then but felt great more energised than usual

at school i played badminton for an hour before lunch

for lunch i had two pitta breads with turkey and salad and guacamole or however you spell it

had a nice big fuji apple at about 4 after school and had pasta and a turkey sandwich for tea all in all pretty good day feel pretty reved up for thai boxing at 6 which should be fun

ive decided that i dont want to lose weight but replace about 5 to 7 pounds of fat with muscle o well got to go sorry i was so rushed.

I am the same age as you. The vast majority of your peers know absolutely nothing about training and will tell you to run 5 miles a day and lower your food intake. Don’t listen and get your info from T-Nation. I went from a super skinny 5’8 135 to a lean but built 5’9 165 in a few months with the lifting programs here and eating so much my friends thought I would be obese in a month.

Alright, assuming you can afford a good amount of food…

First, eat more, but eat healthy. If it’s hard to get a meal plan going (which for a 15-y/o I assume it is), here’s what you can do. First, learn to cook, and make yourself eggs and bacon in the morning, and eat them with some fruit. A 200-calorie cereal breakfast before going to school, which, if your school is a bitch, might mean not being allowed to eat for another 5-6 hours, isn’t very ideal. If this really isn’t an option (dunno why it can’t be though…), at least get yourself some cereal with some fruits in it. Post Selects are good nutritionally, just eat yourself more than one bowl. If you have some extra money, spend it on protein shakes/meal replacements (not an expert on this by ANY means, so hopefully someone will comment on this with some more specific advice), and drink one inbetween classes about 2-3 hours before your school lunch. Once you get home, make yourself a hearty sandwich or two depending on what you have, and get yourself some fruits. Then dinner.

It’s not ideal, and you’re at your parent’s mercy most of the time. What I suggest is talking to your mum and pops about grocery shopping, and about dinner. At the very least, make sure your house is supplied with lots of food. The bigger the meals, the better. Also, until you have a steady, high-calorie diet, don’t worry about supplements. Supplements and other such stuff is the icing on the cake: there’s little of it, and it makes the whole thing oh-so much better, but without the actual cake, it ain’t worth shit (well, unless you’re the type who takes a dab of cake with his finger and licks it…)

Here is a good article about eating: http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459493

Oh, and if you CAN’T do all this, for whatever reason, all I can say is, try to eat as much as possible, period. Still eat healthy, but just eat whenever you can. It’s better to be eating smaller meals every hour or so then it is to eat big ones every 6 hours.

[quote]theherdinator wrote:
ok thankyou i was being a d**k yesterday but hey we all have bad days

Glad to see the change happen overnight.