14Y/O Trying to get Bigger

I started two months ago, and I’m getting serious about training. I’m 14, don’t take any supplements, and eat whatever I can.

I have a little gym at home. Mostly, I do a lot of push-ups.

I’m trying to get a bigger chest and develop a more aesthetic look.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for me?

Thank you.

What gym equipment do you have?

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Don’t put half naked pictures of yourself on the internet at 14.

And do whatever @T3hPwnisher says


Make sure you are doing pull-ups and/or chins in your workout. Full range of motion. All the way down and all the way back up.

Parallel Bar Dips is another great addition



Extra characters

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Keep eating right, respect your form, increase weights across all lifts (when appropriate).


Eat more, good form, and focus on time over tension. Lots of negatives. Negatives will get you huge.

It would appear the opposite is true too

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I’ve always done a slow negative on my last rep of chins/pullups. They’ve always progressed fairly easily for me so I’ve yet to see a reason not to do it.

Started holding at the top and doing really slow negatives on my last rep of OHP as well, be it volume sets or when I do heavy singles. Hopefully there’s value in it as long as my joints stay good.

In answer to OP, you gotta make them pushups weighted or get access to a bench, at some point it’s just cardio for you.

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Plenty of ways to progress push ups without equipment though.


My “1000 reps in 50 minutes” workout still delivers a nasty punch

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Sure, I guess I was just recommending him to get some more equipment/join a gym. We don’t all have to do it that way though.

And “1000 reps in 50 minutes”. Amazing. During the lockdown and having no equipment I would do as many as I could whilst walking the dog in the morning. Just sets of 20, walk for a couple of mins, drop and hit another 20. Think i probably worked up to 300ish. I stopped for a week and started doing clap pushups and after a while tried “Bring Sally Up” with clap pushups. Now THAT is a workout. When I say tried I mean failed miserably.


I love stories like that. It really shows that, unless your goals are some elite level of performance, all of us have the ability to train and get things done. It doesn’t take fancy equipment or complicated science backed periodisation scheme, just a willingness to try hard.


Just 20 EMOM for 50 minutes. Very scalable

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I’ll second this. I didn’t see a whole lot of growth in my chest until I started doing lots and lots of dips both with bodyweight only and weighted. They also helped my triceps grow.

I was able to do 20 pull-ups and 20 dips before I ever lifted any weights. Though too tall to be a successful gymnast I could do a few tricks on the still rings, parallel bars and high bar before lifting weights.


All good suggestions. I have a lot of diatribes for teenagers floating around here, but it boils down to:

  • Get off the Internet
  • Play sports
  • Resistance train (weights/ calisthenics)
  • Run
  • Eat… to include fun food like cheeseburgers

I’m adding, as a direct response to current society, hang out with people in real life and do things. This is going to build a resilience and zest you simply can’t get from doing push-ups in between rounds of online video games.

If you don’t call me out for the hypocrisy of typing that in an online forum, I lose respect for you!


Big talk from a keyboard warrior!



Pavel Tsastouline talked about something similar in “Beyond Bodybuilding”: some sort of “rite of passage” that young soviet trainees had to pass before even touching weights. And Dave Tate said something similar about being able to do 100 push ups before benching. I think there’s a LOT of value in being able to handle some basic bodyweight stuff.



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