12 Year Old Boy Loses Testicles

Fucking disgusting!


Could you be more specific? All I got was a Taiwan news page with about 15 stories.

You don’t like words?

Oh that…yeah that was fucking disgusting.


Probably this.

I thought you meant the ad at the top of a white girl with an asian man, disgusting. Just kidding. Actually as far as that article is concerned I think you’re confusing very sad with disgusting.



Boy without testicles not considered handicapped

TAIPEI, Taiwan – “Our days of misery have just begun.”

So says a mother of a 12-year-old boy who has lost both testicles after he was sexually molested in August last year.

The identity of both mother and son was withheld.

In an exclusive interview with the mother, a resident of the county of Yunlin, the United Daily News reported yesterday that she is unable to get a certificate for her heavily handicapped boy, without which he receives no medical and living support.

Government agencies concerned have been contacted for help. No assistance can be given, thanks to the rigid rules governing the issuance of bodily handicap certificates.

The loss of a finger entitles one to government assistance, according to the rules. The loss of testicles does not.

Two neighbors drugged the boy, bound his scrotum, and raped him, the mother recalls.

His testes necrotized. After necrosis, which is the death of the tissues, the testicles were removed.

Both neighbors, the Huang brothers, were indicted for bodily damage and attempted murder. Prosecutors demanded forcible treatment of the brothers.

As the boy is afraid of retaliation, the mother had to move house to southern Taiwan, where she cannot find a job to support him and herself.

The trouble is that the loss of testes is not listed as a reason for obtaining a bodily handicap certificate.

Although doctors in charge certified the boy as a heavily handicapped person who needs hormone treatment until 60 years of age, no certificate can be issued to help the mother tide over the financial stringency.

“He appears like a six-year-old now,” the mother was quoted as saying. “But why the child has to suffer so much?” she laments.

“All parents are happy watching their offspring grow,” the mother adds. “But I just worry – I don’t know what to do – when my son begins to know one day what he is.”

He has lost virility forever.[/quote]

I hope they hang those neighbors. That’s just fucked up, especially since he seems really young.

What the fuck
I hope those neighbors got what was coming to them

Well that is pretty fucked up.